Page 21 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 21
Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 21
Q For the benefit of our readers, Spark is being distributed in off grid
could you briefly explain how areas in Kenya and India and whilst this
your device works? distribution network is growing, we can
The Spark clean energy-generating also see the benefit of bringing Spark
musical instrument acts as a mini closer to home. With its fun appeal for
portable generator that creates clean, young people, its educational potential
kinetic energy as it is played. Just 12 and its practical application, Spark is set
minutes of playing generates one to make a profound impact in European
hour of light and with its smart power refugee camps. We are currently
system, Spark can charge up a mobile looking for a partner to help make this
phone. happen.
Q What is the level of interest? Q Do you foresee any other
potential applications for the
Spark has generated widespread technology?
interest since launching on Kickstarter Absolutely, we are currently developing
in July 2014. Since then it has been a number of different products that
featured in national and international combine kinetic energy with other
press including the Guardian, The energy harnessing technologies.
Huffington Post, Businessweek USA, In a wider context, Spark works not
Wired magazine and Vogue India. It only as an effective clean energy
also won the London Design Awards solution for energy poverty but also
2014 and 2015 for Best Product Design as a learning tool.
for Personal Use and Education.
As part of our mission, we aim to to
Q Can you give us an idea of the inspire young people by bringing core
cost? subjects to life, to create sparks in their
To purchase Spark costs 27 euros imagination, to educate around climate
change and most importantly, to help
Q What is the typical power them to see what they can achieve.
output? Through the Spark educational kit or
Spark can generate 25 lumens of light, Edu-Spark, children can learn Science,
which provides really effective reading Technology, Engineering and Maths
light. It’s smart boost system allows for (STEM) by building their own power in
a 5V output for USB charging. a fun way through combining the Arts.
Q How widespread is the The Edu-Spark will be available in
distribution? September 2016. l