Page 25 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
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Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation 25
Figure: Properties evaluated all along the aircraft fuel use chain in the EXPLIC program
of expense (representing up t o Volume variation of nitrile, fluorosilicon, fluorocarbone O-rings aged 28 days in JetVolume variation (%)
A-1/SPK blends (aromatic % 2.4, 4, 6, 8 and 20.6) compared to unaged O-rings
30% of direct operating costs) with
unpredictable, large fluctuations that SPK (2.4%)
were difficult to manage. In the longer 10 4%
term, crude oil will rise in price again.
Moreover, security of supply is an issue 6%
for a sector which today fully depends 8%
on “fossil” hydrocarbon fuel. Jet A-1 (20.6%)
Compared to other transport modes,
the introduction of alternative fuels in 5
aviation requires careful consideration
due to the particular requirements
of aviation fuels (low temperature
properties, high energy content,
etc.) that exclude the use of the fuels
currently deployed for road transport. -1
In addition, aviation fuels need to be
approved to international standards Nitrile Fluorosilicone Fluorocarbone
by all stakeholders before being
deployed. Figure : Voliunmvoelvveadriantpiornogorfanmitsrdile,dfilcuaoterodstiolicone, fluTohreosceatrhbroeenestOra-nridnsgosf awgoerdk a2r8edays in Jet A-1/SPK
alternbalteivnedfsue(alsrofomraatiirccr%aft2s.s4u, c4h, 6a,s8 and 2c0o.6n)scisotemnpt awriethdttwoousnigangiefidcaOn-triisnsguses
The field of alternative fuels is moving CALIN (French program), DREAM of alternative jet fuel development
fast. The landscape of alternative fuels and ALFA-BIRD (both FP7 funded) (decrease of the aromatic content
in aviation has significantly evolved with and was the coordinator of SWAFEA and introduction of fuels with
the approval by ASTM of the Fischer- (European commission program). It narrow distribution of molecules).
Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosenes was decided in 2013 to self-finance The experimental work is based
(FT-SPK), the Hydroprocessed a program on alternative jet fuels. on a combination of standard tests
Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFAs), the The main objectives of this ONERA and complementary tests aimed at
Synthesised Iso-Paraffinic (SIP) fuels and funded program, called EXPLIC, is to promoting the better understanding of
very recently (march 2016) the Alcohol better understand the consequences the phenomena involved.
to Jet (AtJ) fuels. None of these fuels of the chemical modification of a jet
contains aromatics. One of the current fuel on its performance criteria and to One of the strengths of this project is
limitations of the blending ratio (50 % determine the acceptable blending to work all along the aircraft fuel use
for FT-SPK and HEFAs) stems from the limits of alternative jet fuels in fossil jet chain. The influence of the chemical
lack of aromatics that keeps them from fuels. In order to do so, focuses will composition is determined on
matching the specification for density, be done: physicochemical properties (density,
lubricity and compatibility with some viscosity, net heat of combustion…),
polymer materials. Currently, fuels with • to determine the minimal thermal stability, cold flow behaviour,
less than 8% aromatics cease to be concentration of the aromatics material compatibility, spraying,
“drop-in”. Combustion tests have shown compounds suitable with a drop-in ignition, emissions…That is to say the
that a potential benefit of decreasing concept; behavior of the fuel is studied from the
the aromatic content would be the storage up to the emissions.
reduction of particulates emissions. By • to better understand the role of
far, the most obvious problem is the various types of aromatics (mono- or Beyond the scientific results, it allows
impact on seals. Low or zero aromatic di-aromatics); ONERA acquiring a deeper knowledge
fuels represent an unknown with of the technical problematic of the
significant risk of causing seals leakage. • to study the impact of alternative alternative jet fuels and developing
fuels with a disrupted profile new skills on jet fuel characterisations
From 2007, ONERA has become blended with “fossil” jet fuels. and modeling. ●