Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2016 publication
P. 27

Summer 2016 European Energy Innovation    27


INCAS’ involvement in

environmental research

I NCAS – National Institute for                 AERO-VR virtual reality immersion room
      Aerospace Research ‘Elie
      Carafoli’ is the leading research         focused on improved prediction            aircraft or integral components, in the
      establishment in aerospace                methods and technologies for lower        initial phases of development (pre-
 sciences in Romania, with more                 noise and emissions, and higher           concept, statistical data acquisition and
 than 60 years tradition in aerospace           performance for high-lift devices using   experimental wind tunnels).
 engineering, flow physics and applied           its wind tunnel infrastructures.
 aerodynamics. Using state-of-the-art                                                     In the future INCAS plans to cover
 technologies and unique infrastructure,        While the take-off engines are still the  niche areas such as: 3D geodesy
 INCAS has been involved in all major           dominant noise source, the airframe       and surveying applications, analysis
 national aeronautical projects for             noise is as significant as the engine      of pollution dispersion through 3D
 civil and military areas. The insitute is      noise on approach when engines            representation of volumetric data
 currently acting as a major player in          are operating at low thrust. The main     and air traffic management through
 EU policy for R&D development under            components of the airframe noise are      enhanced representation of 3D
 FlightPath 2050 vision and the Horizon         the high lift devices and the landing     trajectories obtained by collecting GPS
 2020 program, as full member of EREA           gears, making it essential to identify    data from UAV for ensuring reduced
 and as founding member of IFAR.                the components that are mostly            fuel consumption and also reducing
                                                responsible for the flyover noise          CO2 emissions.
 An interdisciplinary research group is         emissions and correlate the design
 operating INCAS airborne and ground            of the noise control devices to those     INCAS’ concern regarding the pressing
 based research infrastructure for land         identified gear components.                environmental issues of today is
 and atmospheric observations named                                                       becoming increasingly important
 ATMOSLAB. INCAS currently operates             The institute’s airborne laboratory and   in the expansion of its research and
 a fleet as follows:                             its subsonic and tri-sonic wind tunnel    development programs that will
                                                infrastructures, are complemented by      hopefully drive change and inspire
 • One Hawker Beechcraft King Air               its AERO-VR laboratory, an immersive      solutions for the future. ●
     C90 GTx aircraft equipped with             virtual reality laboratory comprising
     in-situ instrumentation for cloud          four components: an immersive 3D            CONTACT DETAILS
     and aerosol measurements and an            virtual laboratory with haptic systems,
     airborne topographic laser scanning        HPC system with collaborative work          National Institute for Aerospace
     system, with an optional photo/            environment, data room and 3D               Research ‘ Elie Carafoli’ – INCAS
     thermal camera.                            scanning system.                            Bucharest
                                                                                            Tel: +40 21 434 00 83
 The LiDAR and aerial photography               The laboratory allows the development       Fax: +40 21 434 00 82
 data analysis is used to obtain detailed       of virtualization capabilities for          E-mail:
 maps for flood prevention, protection           aerodynamic structures, defining and         Web:
 and mitigation, archaeological studies,        validating the configuration of the
 forest inventory, airport safety and
 other applications.

 • Two Britten-Norman BN-2 B26
     aircrafts – the first being equipped
     for in-situ gas and aerosol
     measurements (to be equipped
     with an nadir port) while the second
     aircraft is in process for integration of
     a Selex SeaSpray 5000E SAR radar.

 • One UAV with a maximum research
     payload of 70 kg.

 Another direction of research is
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