Page 19 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
P. 19
Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation 19
When people talk about all running to the Transmission System smart meters. The Third Energy Package
energy prices they Operator (Elering), it has created a provides that the implementation of
often like to say that data hub that can be accessed by all: smart metering may be subject to an
the cheapest energy consumers, producers, grid operators economic assessment of long-term
is saved energy. This is indeed very but also anyone who wants to build costs and benefits to the market and
true. Thus, in order to save on our their new applications or services based individual consumers. For electricity,
energy bills we have to find ways to on that data. Data hub (Andmeladu) Member States must proceed with
limit our energy consumption. And in holds all agreements related to smart metering roll-out to cover at least
relation to that we need to talk about electricity transfer and consumption 80% of positively assessed cases on
empowered consumers. Consumers and all measurement data. their territory by 2020; and prepare an
can be empowered only when they are implementation timetable for a period
informed and can make choices on the Through the data hub electricity of up to ten years. This has still not
basis of actual information about their consumers can receive information on been done.
consumption. their electricity consumption points and
their agreements, view past electricity If there is no push from the Commission
When discussions around the new consumption data and authorize one or and the Member States don’t realise
clean energy package started, one more electricity sellers to access their the benefits that their consumers
of the great surprises for me was to data, so they can make personalized might enjoy by being more informed,
learn that in many European countries offers. Although the data is in a very we may risk the non-realisation of
consumers get their energy bill only readable format, people can also ask the Energy Union, as some regions
once a year. How can you make service providers to make them offers of Europe are better developed than
informed choices when you only and choose between them. So we others. Consumers in some parts
get information regarding your past can really say that smart meters are of Europe enjoy making informed
consumption once a year? On this smart not only for the producers and choices while others lag behind. In the
basis, one cannot decide if they made professional market players but also former, markets also develop better,
good or bad choices, e.g. if they could for regular consumers who want to as consumers can easily change their
have used some appliances during bring their energy costs down. To those supplier and so real competition is
non-peak hours. critics who say that such a data hub is working between service providers. If
difficult and costly to deliver I can give the aim of the Clean Energy package is
This once-a-year arrangement is even an interesting fact: the feasibility study to make markets work, then informed
more strange if you think about all the to do the data hub in Norway cost consumers are the key to achieving
digital tools that are currently available more than doing the whole data hub in this goal.
to deliver the relevant data every day Estonia. So it is not a matter of costs but
or even every hour. But data delivery willingness. Estonia will take on the Presidency in
can only be done if consumers have July, and people in Brussels have high
smart meters. Unfortunately, the European hopes for it - we are small, digital, and
Commission has not been very efficient, they say. So let’s hope we will
Estonia is the only country in the world ambitious in requiring the Member also guide Europe towards being more
with 100% smart meters. As the data is States the complete the roll-out of energy efficient. ●