Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
P. 37
Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation 37
Ramping up deep energy services that allow not only reduced (implemented in 4 demo cases) as well
renovation can boost the economy energy consumption and renewable as methods and tools to assess their
(competitiveness and jobs), improve production, but also smart and flexible environmental and social impact.
living conditions (better and smarter consumption.
homes, increased indoor comfort Solutions to improve the harvesting of
and air quality) and mitigate climate Examples of these technologies and natural sources for shopping centres’
change. In other words, innovation in systems are energy storage, smart envelope were studied, while introducing
all aspects of the renovation process – control systems, EV charging points new functions for reducing the energy
products, services, business models and demand-side flexibility, where the demand of the whole building. For
and policy – offers great opportunities. user can have a more proactive role. example, greenery in building envelope
When developing a new service or and multifunctional smart coating
TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS AND product, it is indeed critical to consider materials with reflectance properties,
PRODUCTS the requirements of the projected thermal behaviour and anti-moulding/
Innovation in technical solutions and end-use, such as comfort level, work antibacterial activity were studied and
construction products is one of the performance, flexible use of space, or integrated. To make the lighting system
critical elements to speed up the pace entertainment possibilities. more sustainable, innovative light domes
of deep energy renovation. Enabling using the passage of sunlight through
the transition towards a full interaction Many innovative projects and solutions solar tubes were also deployed.
of buildings with the energy system to scale up deep energy renovations
means considering all the products and are being deployed across Europe. With its innovative approach,
Two examples are the KfW case CommONEnergy helped making big
for PV home-storage solutions in steps forward in the renovation of
Germany and the EU-funded project shopping centres, previously perceived
CommONEnergy. as icons of a consumerist society.
The success of the newly-developed
KFW PUSH FOR PV HOME-STORAGE technologies is shown by analysis of the
SOLUTIONS IN GERMANY renovation projects in three European
The German government offers a countries: Italy, Spain and Norway.
30%-investment-grant on equipment
purchased with low-interest loans COLLABORATION AND POLICY
provided by the German State-owned MEASURES AS KEY TO SPUR
development bank KfW. The scheme INNOVATION
has helped boost the residential Despite good progress at small
energy storage market from almost scale, Europe is not entirely ready to
zero installations two years ago to take advantage of the benefits a full
around 1,000 per month. By the end of energy transition scaling up the rate
2015, around 35,000 households and of renovation could bring. To create a
commercial operations in Germany had fertile ground for the development of
invested in a PV-battery system. innovative solutions and technologies,
an enabling environment must be
THE COMMONENERGY PROJECT ensured. This can be possible, for
The EU-funded project example, through strong collaboration
CommONEnergy is another best between industry actors and local
case to demonstrate the benefits governments, this way speeding up the
coming from the development of development of innovative projects.
innovative technologies. The project
aim is to re-conceptualize shopping Demand for renovations can also be
centres through deep retrofitting. The created by ensuring a set of innovative
innovation lies in the development policy and support measures. At the
of a systemic approach made of 25 end of 2016, the European Commission
new technologies and solution-sets released important pieces of European