Page 40 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
P. 40

40  Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation


Unleashing the value of
energy storage

“Transmission lines bring electricity from A to B, but storage will bring it from today to tomorrow”

By Joint Research Centre Press Office

E  nergy storage has been part of            and to enable the wider application of    to 50% in 2030. Large quantities of
            the energy system for decades,   energy storage technologies. Scientists   renewable energy of fluctuating and
            but it is with the emergence of  at the European Commission’s Joint        intermittent nature – like wind and
            new storage technologies and     Research Centre (JRC) are determined      solar power – will need to be produced
 the need to integrate more renewable        to support these developments to          if Europe is to reach its energy and
 energy sources into the power               facilitate the transition towards a low-  climate commitments.
 system that the sector is faced with        carbon energy system.
 new challenges – and opportunities.                                                   Energy storage presents one of the
 Research and technological                  The share of renewable energy in the      solutions to managing the excess
 development and innovation are              European electricity sector is expected   energy, making it possible to store
 needed to anticipate future trends          to increase from 27% today to close       electricity during low electricity

Battery Energy Storage Testing for Safe Electric Transport: The battery testing facilities test the performance and safety of the
batteries of electric vehicles.

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