Page 44 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
P. 44
44 Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation
Protecting the future smart grid
against cyber attacks
The SEGRID (Security for Smart Electricity GRIDs) project
To manage all changes that against misuse. The SEGRID (Security Grid as a whole. Within the SEGRID
occur in the electricity grid, for Smart Electricity GRIDs) project, project the work has been focused
it will be equipped with sponsored by the European Framework around five concrete use cases:
intelligent devices for sensing, 7 research and development program,
monitoring, control, automation and addresses the challenges that arise 1. Smart meters used for on-line
communications – the electricity with the introduction of the Smart reading of consumption and
grid evolves to a Smart Grid. The Grid. Because the SEGRID consortium technical data;
introduction of the Smart Grid in includes scientific partners, applied
combination with the entrance of many research organizations, manufactures 2. Load balancing renewable energy
new and inexperienced stakeholders and DSO’s, the results are scientifically centrally;
will dramatically increase the threat sound but also applicable in practice in
surface for malicious attacks on the the near future. 3. Dynamic power management for
electricity supply. The cyber-attack smart homes, smart offices, and
on the Ukrainian distribution grid The Smart Grid will not come into electric vehicles;
in December 2015 is a prominent existence overnight; it will be
example of what could happen and composed of a mix of old, even legacy, 4. Load balancing renewable energy
a real-life illustration of the resulting and new components. The Smart Grid regionally (substation automation);
can be seen as a gradually evolving
SEGRIDimpact. Additionally, the Smart Grid will system in which new functionalities are 5. Automatic reconfiguration of the
added to accommodate new use cases power grid.
Storylinecinoflolermctaatniodnp, wrohcicehssinlamrgaenayminosutanntsceosf with the challenge to maintain security,
privacy and dependability of the Smart These five use cases reflect important
will be related to the privacy of steps in the developments of the Smart
customers and must be protected Grid, and will cover the most relevant
security and privacy issues that will
Figure 1: SEGRID use cases arise. The use cases are of increasing
complexity and automation (see
Level of (smart) automation Gaps in currently available security SOLL figure 1).
technology for the Smart Grid
Current state of Smart Energy SEGRID will run until the end of 2017
security is insufficient New Grid and has already achieved very good
threats results, such as:
5) Automatic reconfiguration • SEGRID Risk Management
Methodology – Risk management
Known 4) Load balancing regionally ensures that effective security
threats 3) Dynamic power management controls are implemented in an
2) Load balancing centrally efficient and effective way, limiting
IST 1) Smart Metering the exposure to cyber incidents.
SEGRID developed the SEGRID
Current Energy Risk Management Methodology
Grid (SRMM) that builds on state of the
art risk assessment methodologies