Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
P. 46
46 Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation
Ignoring energy storage
was a big mistake in the past
By Brittney Becker (EASE Policy Officer) and Michela Bortolotti (EASE Communications Officer)
For many years, energy storage goals: putting energy efficiency treated under current regulations.
was not considered a priority first, achieving global leadership in Fortunately, this issue is addressed
for the energy system, in part renewable energies, and providing a in the recast Electricity Directive5[7].
because the technologies fair deal for consumers. The aspects Demonstration projects for first of a
were not yet economically viable and of the package specifically touching kind real-scale technologies continue
in part because the benefits of storage on energy storage, as well as other to face regulatory barriers. Additionally,
were valued less in a centralised fossil barriers affecting the energy storage a fair market design is lacking for
fuel-based energy system. However, business case, were also addressed energy storage systems. Requirements
as Mr Dominique Ristori, Director by the Commission in a Staff Working in the network codes, which in some
General at DG Energy of the European Document issued in February 20172[4]. cases can be onerous for energy
Commission has admitted, “ignoring EASE welcomes these steps to ensure storage devices as they do not take
energy storage was a big mistake that EU policies catch up to the many into account the unique attributes of
in the past”. Today, this situation is changes taking place as Europe energy storage devices, also constitute
rapidly changing due to the cost- transitions towards a more efficient and barriers to energy storage deployment.
performance improvements in energy decarbonised energy system. The right approach would be to allow
storage technologies and the public for electricity and grid tariffs to reflect
policy commitment to decarbonisation, Although the European Commission3[5] the real cost to society. Congestion and
leading to a significant increase in RES and the European Parliament4[6] availability pricing should be looked
as a share of electricity generation. recognise the importance of energy at. If a market player increases the
storage, the regulatory framework stress on the system, he should bear
To implement the goals of the Energy at EU and Member State level has the associated cost. On the contrary, if
Union and to advance the energy not yet evolved to support the cost- a market player alleviates the system
transition, the European Commission efficient deployment of energy stress he should be rewarded and not
issued the “Clean Energy For All storage. For instance, the lack of a pay any network fees.
Europeans” package in November definition of energy storage at EU
20161[3]. This includes several key level leads to uncertainty about how Besides the regulatory framework,
pieces of legislation with three main energy storage devices should be energy research and innovation play