Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
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Contents                                 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation   3


6	 Energy	Efficiency	First	is	a	         48	 Building	Renovation	Passport:	the	
     concrete	priority	with	positive	         roadmap	to	a	low-carbon	building	
     impacts	for	all	Europeans                stock
     Dominique Ristori, Director-             Jonathan Volt, Buildings
     General for Energy, European             Performance Institute Europe
     Commission                               (BPIE)

10	 Why	we	need	more	champions	          54	Building	an	ocean	energy	industry     6
     for	a	renewables-based	future            Rémi Gruet, Ocean Energy            32
     Antonella Battaglini, CEO of the         Europe                              48
     Renewables Grid Initiative                                                   66
                                         58	 The	World	Sustainable	Energy	
14	 Energy	efficiency	and	innovation          Days	2018
     Patrizia Toia, MEP
                                         61	 Transition	is	necessary,	and	
18	 The	Solar	Smart	Specialisation	           Sweden	can	show	the	way
     Platform                                 Ibrahim Baylan, Minister for
     Dr. Díaz-Vázquez, A.R. (Joint            Policy Coordination and Energy
     Research Centre), Dr. Caldés-            in the Swedish Government
     Gómez, N., (Ciemat)
                                         62	 How	to	make	everybody	agree	on	
22	 EU	Energy	Transition:	Harnessing	         a	100%	renewables
     Technological	and	Systemic	              Jakop Dalunde, MEP
     challenges,	Addressing	the	
     Societal	and	Political	ones         64	 Sweden	on	the	route	to	100%	
     Adel El Gammal, Secretary-               renewables
     General, The European Energy             Anne Vadasz Nilsson, Director
     Research Alliance (EERA)                 General, The Swedish Energy
                                              Markets Inspectorate
26	 Greener	industry	from	algae	network
     Raúl Muñoz, Department of           66	 Sustainable	Aviation:	Having	the	
     Chemical Engineering and                 means	to	realise	our	ambition
     Environmental Technology,                Pavel Telička, Vice-President
     Universidad de Valladolid, Spain         of the European Parliament
                                              Committee for Transport and
32	 Powering	people	to	fight	climate	         Tourism Group of the Alliance
     change                                   of Liberals and Democrats for
     Marion Labatut, Director Policy          Europe
     Issues, Eurelectric
                                         68	 Clean	Sky	has	taken	off:	The	story	
36	 Towards	a	new	Research	and	               of	the	BLADE	project	on	laminar	
     Innovation	Policy                        flow
     Pirita Lindholm, Director, ERRIN         Tiit Jürimäe, Interim Director,
                                              Clean Sky
40	Delivering	EU’s	energy	efficiency	
     goals	with	district	heating	and	    70	 What	Europe	can	do	to	cut	
     cooling                                  aviation	emissions
     Dana Popp, External Relations            Andrew Murphey, Aviation
     & Communications Manager,                Manager, Transport &
     Euroheat & Power                         Environment

44	Smart	approaches	to	ending	
     energy	poverty
     Stefan Bouzarovski, Professor of
     Human Geography, University of
     Manchester, United Kingdom
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