Page 6 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 6
6 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
Energy Efficiency First is a
concrete priority with positive
impacts for all Europeans
By Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy, European Commission
Climate change is one of Building on the progress achieved, It was important to start with the
the biggest challenges of the EU is now pushing for a more building sector where a considerable
our time and to address it, ambitious approach to energy cost effective energy saving potential
the EU has decided to efficiency in order to successfully exists. It is the largest energy
lead the worldwide clean energy drive the clean energy transition. This consumer in Europe, accounting for
transition. In the wake of the will send the right signal to European 40% of final energy consumption and
Paris Agreement, the European investors, companies, national 36% of greenhouse gas emissions
Commission tabled the Clean authorities and citizens. in Europe and even more if we take
Energy for All Europeans package in into account heating and cooling.
November 2016 in order to set the It is worth being ambitious as energy Yet, about three quarters of our
most advanced regulatory framework efficiency is not only one of the building stock is energy inefficient
that will facilitate the necessary most cost effective ways to support and the current level of renovation
public and private investment the transition to a low-carbon is low. Besides, the building sector
towards a modern and low-carbon economy; it is also an effective way is an important segment of the EU
economy. to create investment, growth and economy. The construction industry
employment opportunities. It also provides already 18 million direct jobs
Comprising eight different pieces increases the competitiveness of in Europe and accounts for 9% of
of legislation, this package makes industries especially the energy our GDP.
it clear that, alongside renewable intensive ones, and contributes
energy sources, energy efficiency to reducing the energy bills of Based on the Commission’s
should be one of the major consumers and improve their living original proposal, the revised
drivers towards a sustainable conditions. Besides, it reinforces Directive, supported by various
society. Let’s not forget – the Europe’s energy security. For every financing sources available at EU
cheapest, cleanest, and most additional 1% increase in the 2030 level, will boost investor certainty
secure form of energy is the one energy savings target, combined with and help us to significantly increase
we do not use. the 2030 targets for renewables and renovation rates. The changes to
greenhouse gas emission reduction, buildings’ energy performance rules
Over the last 10 years, the EU had the EU can reduce its gas imports by will also encourage investors to take
already established a number more than 3%. advantage of all technologies and
of measures to improve energy progress available such as ICT and
efficiency in all sectors – notably I am very pleased that moves to the uptake of digital technologies
through the Energy Efficiency accelerate the rate, quality and for buildings, in particular smart
Directive and the Energy Performance effectiveness of building renovation metering technologies and smart
of Buildings Directive, as well as in the coming decades have now home appliances. These technologies
important rules on Ecodesign and been agreed in the revised European will facilitate the penetration of
Energy labelling. These measures Performance of Buildings Directive. renewable energy and encourage the
contributed considerably to a This is the first part of the Clean active participation of consumers.
reduction in EU energy consumption Energy Package to be finalised by the Similarly, new rules for pre-cabling
and helped consumers save energy European Parliament and the Council will facilitate progress on charging
and money. But the new proposals go showing that energy efficiency is dealt points for electric vehicles – one
far beyond. with as a key priority. of the obvious bottlenecks in the