Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 11

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation    11


    that regulators will find the right       solutions that are understood by
    balance between these two                 all parties involved.
    aspects and encourage innovation
    also within the regulated business.   • The best failure: Imagine you
                                              are packing for a long trekking
• A new record in embracing                   journey. You are well prepared,
    Europe: Anti-European                     but uncertainties remain high. To
    movements are emerging                    mitigate potential surprises you
    everywhere across Europe.                 need to add flexibility by packing
    However, Europe is not the end            some extra stuff, but not too
    of our national identities, but           much because you have to carry
    rather a vehicle to be more than          it anyway. Similarly, the energy
    a vulnerable little country in the        transition requires new ideas
    middle of a global system. I would        and innovations. We do not know
    like to see a European Union              today which ones will succeed.
    which is stronger and fairer for the      Nevertheless, it is essential that
    benefit of all European citizens          we build a culture which allows
    and not just a few. The application       experimenting and does not
    of the solidarity principle and           demonise failure. Failure is
    European energy security decisions        one of the greatest learning
    will make the energy transition           opportunities.
    easier and more affordable, which
    will largely contribute to fighting   HONOURING THOSE WHO DARE TO
    climate change - which we all         TRY SOMETHING NEW
    know does not stop at national        The Renewables Grid Initiative
    borders.                              supports frontrunners by creating
                                          opportunities for knowledge
• The best dialogue convener:             sharing and the identification and
    The transformation of the             dissemination of best practices.
    energy sector will involve almost     The ‘Good Practice of the Year’
    everyone. Whether you become          award honours those who try out
    a prosumer by complementing           new approaches when developing
    your solar panels with battery        a grid that is fit for the future. Three
    storage, your electric car and        winners have been awarded just
    smart devices, or you see changes     in May, more information about
    in the landscape with more wind       their practices are on our website.
    farms and power lines instead of      Moreover, we contribute to planning
    big coal and nuclear power plants,    for the future by co-creating together
    the impact on society is manifold.    with environmental NGOs and
    Therefore, we need to facilitate      ENTSO-E a scenario for their Ten-Year
    discussions, debate alternative       Network Development Plan, which is
    options, explore the value of         compliant with the goals of the Paris
    different views and together find     Agreement. l

The Renewables Grid Initiative is a unique collaboration of                         Contact information
environmental NGOs and transmission system operators from across
Europe which promotes transparent, environmentally sensitive grid                   Antonella Battaglini
development to enable the further steady growth of renewable energy                 CEO Renewables Grid Initiative
and the energy transition.                                                
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