Page 12 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 12

12  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Buildings as material banks:
Steps forwards

The EU funded H2020 BAMB                    and components are temporarily This
            project, Buildings As Material  ‘deposited’ into a functional element   new BAMB Materials Passports
            Banks, brings 16 partners       or part of the building. When socio-    Platform will fill a gap in the
            from 7 European countries       economic conditions are favourable,     marketplace by providing a ‘one-
together for one mission – enabling         (a part of) the materials, products     stop-shop’ to describe circular
a systemic shift in the building sector     and components may be retrieved         economy value across the building
by creating circular solutions (see         for another investment: another         cycle, especially for using and re-
previous presentations of the project       building or another high quality        using components and materials, and
in EEI of Summer 2016 and 2017).            application. Seeing material resources  reducing the generation of waste.
                                            as a temporary way of materialising
Considering Buildings as “Material          investments opens the door to a wide    A central aim is to support the
Banks” is seeing them as repositories       range of circular business models, in   transition of the building industry
or stockpiles of valuable, high quality     which economic and environmental        from a linear economy to a circular
materials that can easily be taken          value is conserved and created          one by letting users identify
apart and recovered. By harvesting          through the reuse of materials,         value potential throughout the
materials and parts during the              products, components and buildings,     building cycle, from planning and
deconstruction and renovation of            while (performance based) services      construction through occupancy,
buildings, these materials can be           are provided to support the daily       repairs, renovations, repurposing and
reused in the construction, operation       life of (end) users. More information   decommissioning, and by making
or refurbishment of other buildings,        about the BAMB vision is available on   it possible to continuously track
thus reducing waste and primary          component and materials quality
resource use. Moreover, the term            vision/.                                & modifications. The Materials
‘Buildings as Material Banks’ refers                                                Passports Platform, currently a
to a materialised investment. It            MATERIALS PASSPORTS PLATFORM            prototype forming the core of a
is more than investing money in             PROTOTYPE AND THE REMS                  materials passport system, is ready
property funds. In this vision, the         EXHIBITION                              for testing by industry partners and
building itself is considered as            A powerful new tool for materials       it can be experienced by visiting
a materialised savings account              banking across Europe has been          the Reversible Experience Modules
for material resources, through             launched at the end of 2017 and         (REMs) exhibition.
which building materials, products          made accessible through
                                                                                    The REMs exhibition is the largest
©E.Durmisevic, 4D architects.                                                       travelling exhibition of circularity in
                                                                                    the built environment. It consists of
                                                                                    more than 70 building materials and
                                                                                    products, all optimized for healthy
                                                                                    use and reuse. Together, they form
                                                                                    exhibition space that resembles parts
                                                                                    of actual buildings, with a hallway,
                                                                                    an office area, a home area and an
                                                                                    outside area. In the REMs exhibition,
                                                                                    all showcased products and
                                                                                    materials will be represented in the

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