Page 9 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 9

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation    9


The business case for
digitalised district heating

By Steen Schelle Jensen, Head of Product Management, Kamstrup

The decarbonisation of                   installed in the network, they will       of 30 times the cost of investing in
heating systems is no longer             open up to a whole new world of           making the reading of meters more
a question of ‘if’ but rather            digitalisation possibilities for the      intelligent and frequent, which has
‘how soon’. With increasing              entire energy system.                     been estimated at EUR 8 per year
focus from all industry levels                                                     per connected customer. Thus, the
on the potential in district             FROM POTENTIAL TO REAL VALUE              business case was clearly established.
heating as the vehicle to make           Using the installation of intelligent
it happen, it is crucial to use          heat meters to pave the way for going     TALK IS CHEAP. INNOVATION IS NOT.
current positive developments            even further and getting meter data       As a long-time advocate for the
as stepping stones to making             perhaps every hour rather than once       undeniable value of data, Kamstrup
the digitalisation of district           a month holds enormous potential          has a strong and strategic focus on
heating a reality.                       for the utilities as well.                innovation. As a result, 25% of our
                                                                                   workforce work in product development
One of the key measures supporting       Together with the Danish District         including 20 employees dedicated to
decarbonisation is the ongoing           Heating Association, Kamstrup set out     working exclusively on data analytics.
negotiations on the Clean Energy         to uncover the actual value of that
Package in which specifically            potential. As a result, analysis company  This is because in order for utilities
the Renewable Energy Directive           Ennova recently conducted a study         to unlock that value they need the
(RED) aims to increase the share         based on in-depth interviews with 10      right tools to turn their meter data
of renewable and surplus energy          Danish utilities about their experiences  into knowledge on which to base
in district heating. Smart grids         with remote reading of meters.            both their everyday decisions as
are a fundamental enabler of this                                                  well as long-term investments. The
integration.                             The study showed potential savings        possibilities in digitalised district
                                         within the areas of infrastructure        heating are endless, but now is
In this respect, another very            investments, administration, customer     the time to take the next step of
important – and closely linked –         service, operational efficiency as well   delivering real results.
directive is the Energy Efficiency       as energy consumption. In total, they
Directive (EED), which focuses           amounted to an efficiency potential l
on providing end users with the
knowledge and transparency
they need to enable more energy
efficient behaviour. One direct output
of this is the updated Article 9
stating that district heating utilities
must supply their customers with
information about their actual energy
consumption 12 times a year.

A precondition for utilities to be
able to meet this obligation is the
installation of remotely read heat
meters to supply the necessary data.
However, greater insight and feedback
for end users is only the beginning.
Once intelligent meters have been
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