Page 21 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 21
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 21
The Smart Metering Infrastructure protection depending on the risks
should therefore be developed related to the disclosure of this
in such a way that distinct information.
information flows for different
stakeholders can be identified, EMPOWER
implemented and controlled. The process of bringing new
The information collected by meter technology into the
the organization responsible market has started. Smart
for allocation of the energy Meter roll-out is imminent, but
consumed or produced (in the inclusion of functionalities
the context of his legal task) required for empowering
is one information flow that consumers to manage their
can be regarded as the legal energy consumption with the
basis for (Smart) Metering. This help of a smart meter is extremely
information has typically a low important, and not present in
time resolution, such as bi- each Member State. Accurate,
monthly consumption readings user-friendly and timely readings
and power quality data, but also Figure 2: Stages of Optimal Consumer Experience Development (Empower
covers alarms from the metering Demand II)
system such as tampering.
Because of its nature this provided directly from the Nicolle Raven graduated in European Law and
information flow has low privacy interface of customer’s choice to Politics, with a Master’s degree in European
sensitivity, but should still be the customer and any third party Public Affairs. She worked as a public affairs
sufficiently protected. designated by the consumer are consultant for over 3 years in the energy
strongly recommended since they and healthcare sector. After working for the
To give consumers the possibility are the key to running demand European Commission on education and
to get more detailed insight response services, taking ‘online’ culture in 2010-2012, she returned to the EU
in their energy consumption energy-saving decisions and energy sector, as EU Affairs manager for ESMIG
and/or production, additional effective integration of distributed and as an Adviser on Energy Policy with the
information flows are generated energy resources. Also, smart Orgalime Partnership.
by the meter. This information has metering systems should include
typically a high time resolution, advance tariff structures, time-
such as 1-10 seconds time base, of-use registers and remote tariff
so consumption/production control. This will help consumers
patterns can be generated that and network operators to achieve
can give insight in the energy energy efficiencies and save costs
profile households and specific by reducing the peaks in energy
in-home devices. In a majority demand. The Council of European
of the EU member states, the Energy Regulators (CEER) has
consumer will be able to decide defined the characteristics
if this information is generated, “Reliable, Affordable, Simple and
where this information goes and Protected” in order to make these
by whom it can be used. services attractive to consumers.
By making this distinction in To make consumers smart,
information flows, not only it is absolutely crucial that
consumers have better insight governments, regulators,
and control regarding the type different players in the energy
of data and its destination, market and industry assume
but it is also possible to take their responsibility in informing,
the appropriate measures for protecting and empowering
consumers. l
The Smart Metering Infrastructure protection depending on the risks
should therefore be developed related to the disclosure of this
in such a way that distinct information.
information flows for different
stakeholders can be identified, EMPOWER
implemented and controlled. The process of bringing new
The information collected by meter technology into the
the organization responsible market has started. Smart
for allocation of the energy Meter roll-out is imminent, but
consumed or produced (in the inclusion of functionalities
the context of his legal task) required for empowering
is one information flow that consumers to manage their
can be regarded as the legal energy consumption with the
basis for (Smart) Metering. This help of a smart meter is extremely
information has typically a low important, and not present in
time resolution, such as bi- each Member State. Accurate,
monthly consumption readings user-friendly and timely readings
and power quality data, but also Figure 2: Stages of Optimal Consumer Experience Development (Empower
covers alarms from the metering Demand II)
system such as tampering.
Because of its nature this provided directly from the Nicolle Raven graduated in European Law and
information flow has low privacy interface of customer’s choice to Politics, with a Master’s degree in European
sensitivity, but should still be the customer and any third party Public Affairs. She worked as a public affairs
sufficiently protected. designated by the consumer are consultant for over 3 years in the energy
strongly recommended since they and healthcare sector. After working for the
To give consumers the possibility are the key to running demand European Commission on education and
to get more detailed insight response services, taking ‘online’ culture in 2010-2012, she returned to the EU
in their energy consumption energy-saving decisions and energy sector, as EU Affairs manager for ESMIG
and/or production, additional effective integration of distributed and as an Adviser on Energy Policy with the
information flows are generated energy resources. Also, smart Orgalime Partnership.
by the meter. This information has metering systems should include
typically a high time resolution, advance tariff structures, time-
such as 1-10 seconds time base, of-use registers and remote tariff
so consumption/production control. This will help consumers
patterns can be generated that and network operators to achieve
can give insight in the energy energy efficiencies and save costs
profile households and specific by reducing the peaks in energy
in-home devices. In a majority demand. The Council of European
of the EU member states, the Energy Regulators (CEER) has
consumer will be able to decide defined the characteristics
if this information is generated, “Reliable, Affordable, Simple and
where this information goes and Protected” in order to make these
by whom it can be used. services attractive to consumers.
By making this distinction in To make consumers smart,
information flows, not only it is absolutely crucial that
consumers have better insight governments, regulators,
and control regarding the type different players in the energy
of data and its destination, market and industry assume
but it is also possible to take their responsibility in informing,
the appropriate measures for protecting and empowering
consumers. l