Page 25 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 25
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 25
delivering 38 Mt of CO2 emission Fiona Riddoch, COGEN Europe
savings every year. Industry uses
2,500 TWh of energy, which is
43% of Europe’s heat demand.
Member states themselves have
estimated that a doubling of the
overall CHP sector out to 2030
is economically possible (100
GW electrical capacity), and
would translate into additional
reductions of fuel imports by 25
Mtoe and a further CO2 reduction
of 55 Mt.
Wider adoption of cogeneration
in a suitable policy framework can
therefore boost the productivity
and competitiveness of European
industrial sites and improve the
overall efficiency of the electricity
system. Cogeneration is the
most efficient use of fuel for heat
and power. The EU framework
in which it operates must clearly
recognise its advantages in
terms of energy efficiency,
CO2 reduction and economic
advantages, both now and in the
2030 time horizon.
Policymakers must design EU higher levels of renewables on attention to reducing primary
energy, climate and industrial the power system. CHP plants energy consumption through
policies that work in harmony offer firm capacity and their increased efficiency across the
to harness the potential of supply of electricity is predictable EU energy networks. Swift and
cogeneration to deliver the and reliably available. On forward-thinking implementation
energy that industry needs. average, the size of CHP plants of the Energy Efficiency Directive
However, there are pressing is modest compared to central – and particularly its supply
issues in a number of countries generation plants, allowing side chapter – has the potential
where industrial CHPs deserve industrial CHP plants to offer a to significantly improve the
immediate attention. The range of services through the energy security records of many
implementation of the Energy aggregation of their capabilities. industrial and commercial sites,
Efficiency Directive provides This trend, based on new modular and thereby of the EU as a whole.
a valuable legislative tool for CHP designs featuring heat We urge the EU institutions to
member states to make the policy buffers, is emerging against the look more closely at measures
framework changes necessary backdrop of increased demand to address ongoing losses in the
for industrial CHP to grow. The for more flexibility in the energy energy supply sector, including
removal of barriers to existing system. the potential for cogeneration to
CHPs taking part in the new play a greater role in the 2030
services market is also centrally EU policymakers must pay greater timeframe. l
Within a suitable energy services
market, industries that adopt CHP
have much to offer electricity
networks as they incorporate new
delivering 38 Mt of CO2 emission Fiona Riddoch, COGEN Europe
savings every year. Industry uses
2,500 TWh of energy, which is
43% of Europe’s heat demand.
Member states themselves have
estimated that a doubling of the
overall CHP sector out to 2030
is economically possible (100
GW electrical capacity), and
would translate into additional
reductions of fuel imports by 25
Mtoe and a further CO2 reduction
of 55 Mt.
Wider adoption of cogeneration
in a suitable policy framework can
therefore boost the productivity
and competitiveness of European
industrial sites and improve the
overall efficiency of the electricity
system. Cogeneration is the
most efficient use of fuel for heat
and power. The EU framework
in which it operates must clearly
recognise its advantages in
terms of energy efficiency,
CO2 reduction and economic
advantages, both now and in the
2030 time horizon.
Policymakers must design EU higher levels of renewables on attention to reducing primary
energy, climate and industrial the power system. CHP plants energy consumption through
policies that work in harmony offer firm capacity and their increased efficiency across the
to harness the potential of supply of electricity is predictable EU energy networks. Swift and
cogeneration to deliver the and reliably available. On forward-thinking implementation
energy that industry needs. average, the size of CHP plants of the Energy Efficiency Directive
However, there are pressing is modest compared to central – and particularly its supply
issues in a number of countries generation plants, allowing side chapter – has the potential
where industrial CHPs deserve industrial CHP plants to offer a to significantly improve the
immediate attention. The range of services through the energy security records of many
implementation of the Energy aggregation of their capabilities. industrial and commercial sites,
Efficiency Directive provides This trend, based on new modular and thereby of the EU as a whole.
a valuable legislative tool for CHP designs featuring heat We urge the EU institutions to
member states to make the policy buffers, is emerging against the look more closely at measures
framework changes necessary backdrop of increased demand to address ongoing losses in the
for industrial CHP to grow. The for more flexibility in the energy energy supply sector, including
removal of barriers to existing system. the potential for cogeneration to
CHPs taking part in the new play a greater role in the 2030
services market is also centrally EU policymakers must pay greater timeframe. l
Within a suitable energy services
market, industries that adopt CHP
have much to offer electricity
networks as they incorporate new