Page 28 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 28
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
South-East Europe on the path
towards sustainable development
Despite the progress an aim to transform them into waste-to-energy, information and
in South-East Europe, more resilient systems which will communications technologies,
which has been meet economic, environmental building management systems
observed during the and human requirements. (BMS), building automation
past decade, the countries from systems (BAS), telephony & CATV,
the Region are still facing many The new programming period urban planning, e-mobility and
challenges related to the resource (2014-2020) provides the state transport, etc.
effi¬ciency, high energy intensity, members from South-East Europe
energy independence and with funding opportunities. The speakers in the parallel
security, CO2 emissions. These Also the targets for low carbon Conference will focus on the
issues will influence the choice economy and higher resource politics, financing instruments
of technologies and policies. The efficiency will encourage all and strategies and will expose
Region has great potential for a stakeholders to speed their new outlook in the relevant
diversification of energy mix by investments. sectors in South-East Europe.
the utilization of the renewable Via Expo presents an impressive
energy sources. Responding to the necessity line-up of speakers from Austria,
for climate change mitigation Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany,
The process of ‘Smarting up’ and to the increasing market France, Estonia, Norway, Spain
the cities is at its early stage. demand of economically-driven and the UK. A representative
Governments are going to and environmentally-friendly of the International Battery and
stimulate their developments with innovations, the 11th Exhibitions Energy Storage Alliance will speak
and Conference ‘Energy Efficiency about the latest renewable energy
Organizer: Via Expo - & Renewables’ and ‘Smart Cities’ storage technologies and how
Parallel Events: ‘Save the Planet’ (waste are a timely event for South-East they could be implemented in
management) and ‘Save the Life’ (emergency, Europe. It will be organized by today’s cities. Jacques Bonifay from
rescue- and safety control) Via Expo from the 11th until 13th Transatel Mobile will pay attention
of March 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria. to outsourcing M2M operations
Foreign and local companies under MVNO-like model.
will have the opportunity to
develop their activity through ‘The Future of District Heating &
knowledge transfer and wider Cooling in Europe’ is the topic
promotion of their products. of the Euroheat & Power session.
The event will provoke a strong The speakers will summarize the
interest of businesses operating current trends and will explore
in different sectors, municipalities, the role of municipalities to
branch associations and scientific improve the efficiency and
centers. renewable energy use. Experts
from the European Investment
Leading companies will use the Bank will debate the financing
exhibition platform to showcase refurbishment - barriers at the
their latest technologies and market of South-East Europe,
equipment. Austrian Pavilion it’s potential and financing
will be realized for the 6th possibilities.
year in a row. The exhibition
scope includes energy efficient Real case studies on the financing
solutions for heating, ventilating options available for the smart
and air conditioning (HVAC), cities projects across EU, nearly
lighting, low-energy buildings, zero energy districts (nZED), the
renewables, energy storage, trends in the insulation sector, etc.
smart grids, resource recovery, are some of the other highlights. l
South-East Europe on the path
towards sustainable development
Despite the progress an aim to transform them into waste-to-energy, information and
in South-East Europe, more resilient systems which will communications technologies,
which has been meet economic, environmental building management systems
observed during the and human requirements. (BMS), building automation
past decade, the countries from systems (BAS), telephony & CATV,
the Region are still facing many The new programming period urban planning, e-mobility and
challenges related to the resource (2014-2020) provides the state transport, etc.
effi¬ciency, high energy intensity, members from South-East Europe
energy independence and with funding opportunities. The speakers in the parallel
security, CO2 emissions. These Also the targets for low carbon Conference will focus on the
issues will influence the choice economy and higher resource politics, financing instruments
of technologies and policies. The efficiency will encourage all and strategies and will expose
Region has great potential for a stakeholders to speed their new outlook in the relevant
diversification of energy mix by investments. sectors in South-East Europe.
the utilization of the renewable Via Expo presents an impressive
energy sources. Responding to the necessity line-up of speakers from Austria,
for climate change mitigation Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany,
The process of ‘Smarting up’ and to the increasing market France, Estonia, Norway, Spain
the cities is at its early stage. demand of economically-driven and the UK. A representative
Governments are going to and environmentally-friendly of the International Battery and
stimulate their developments with innovations, the 11th Exhibitions Energy Storage Alliance will speak
and Conference ‘Energy Efficiency about the latest renewable energy
Organizer: Via Expo - & Renewables’ and ‘Smart Cities’ storage technologies and how
Parallel Events: ‘Save the Planet’ (waste are a timely event for South-East they could be implemented in
management) and ‘Save the Life’ (emergency, Europe. It will be organized by today’s cities. Jacques Bonifay from
rescue- and safety control) Via Expo from the 11th until 13th Transatel Mobile will pay attention
of March 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria. to outsourcing M2M operations
Foreign and local companies under MVNO-like model.
will have the opportunity to
develop their activity through ‘The Future of District Heating &
knowledge transfer and wider Cooling in Europe’ is the topic
promotion of their products. of the Euroheat & Power session.
The event will provoke a strong The speakers will summarize the
interest of businesses operating current trends and will explore
in different sectors, municipalities, the role of municipalities to
branch associations and scientific improve the efficiency and
centers. renewable energy use. Experts
from the European Investment
Leading companies will use the Bank will debate the financing
exhibition platform to showcase refurbishment - barriers at the
their latest technologies and market of South-East Europe,
equipment. Austrian Pavilion it’s potential and financing
will be realized for the 6th possibilities.
year in a row. The exhibition
scope includes energy efficient Real case studies on the financing
solutions for heating, ventilating options available for the smart
and air conditioning (HVAC), cities projects across EU, nearly
lighting, low-energy buildings, zero energy districts (nZED), the
renewables, energy storage, trends in the insulation sector, etc.
smart grids, resource recovery, are some of the other highlights. l