Page 32 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 32
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
and various stakeholders, recently and growing – more than 12% of untapped. With its ambitious
launched the “District Energy heat demand covered by district policy objectives and urban
in Cities Initiative”. A detailed energy in Europe, 23% in China success stories, it is the EU who
study on ways to unlock the and 50% in Russia. can and should lead the way
full potential of efficiency and in making sustainable cities a
renewables in district energy It is now given that any solution reality. European cities must
is expected before the end of for the climate and energy adapt and prepare their energy
the year. An advanced summary transition must explicitly address infrastructure for the future.
notes the increasing trend for sustainable urban heating and Heating our cities sustainably is
district energy in those countries cooling. Even with many cities not a matter of seasonal choice,
or cities that aim to replace fossil around the world maximising but a long-term commitment
fuels in space heating, hot water the benefits of district energy, to tackle the energy challenges
and cooling. Shares are significant its full potential remains largely ahead. l
and various stakeholders, recently and growing – more than 12% of untapped. With its ambitious
launched the “District Energy heat demand covered by district policy objectives and urban
in Cities Initiative”. A detailed energy in Europe, 23% in China success stories, it is the EU who
study on ways to unlock the and 50% in Russia. can and should lead the way
full potential of efficiency and in making sustainable cities a
renewables in district energy It is now given that any solution reality. European cities must
is expected before the end of for the climate and energy adapt and prepare their energy
the year. An advanced summary transition must explicitly address infrastructure for the future.
notes the increasing trend for sustainable urban heating and Heating our cities sustainably is
district energy in those countries cooling. Even with many cities not a matter of seasonal choice,
or cities that aim to replace fossil around the world maximising but a long-term commitment
fuels in space heating, hot water the benefits of district energy, to tackle the energy challenges
and cooling. Shares are significant its full potential remains largely ahead. l