Page 34 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 34
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
Smart Procurement European Allianze
(SPEA) Project
H orizon 2020, increasing, thereby the demand municipal buildings identified.
largest research for innovation in this field Birmingham will initiate the
and innovation and enhancing innovation of process soon.
programme worldwide public services in relation to the
support public procurement improvement in quality/efficiency The object of the Barcelona
that promotes research and of public services, providing process, encouraging the
innovation. In this frame, opportunities to SMEs to get participation of SMEs, is the
the European Commission’s involved in public procurement purchase of services on ENERGY
Directorate-General for Enterprise as direct beneficiary/client of a EFFICIENCY MEASURES WITH
and Industry supports pilot purchasing authority. It began INNOVATION IN 10 MUNICIPAL
projects on energy efficiency. The in August of 2012 and now BUILDINGS. These services
Smart Procurement European the project is developing the include the implementation
Alliance, SPEA, is one of them. procurement phase. For more of activities to improve
information consult the website: energy efficiency and energy
The Smart Procurement European management with guaranteed
Alliance, SPEA, is a project to savings, thus Barcelona City
implement a public procurement Currently two of the three Council ensures operational
of innovative solutions in the area procurement processes are efficiency and optimal energy
of energy efficiency in municipal ongoing; Barcelona with a systems in its 10 libraries. The
buildings in the partner cities: Contest - Negotiation and awarding will be in February 2015.
Barcelona (the coordinator) Eindhoven a Competitive Barcelona CC expects a return on
Eindhoven and Birmingham, Dialogue process for their investment within five to six years.
Birmngham city at night Kick off meeting SPEA project (2012)
Smart Procurement European Allianze
(SPEA) Project
H orizon 2020, increasing, thereby the demand municipal buildings identified.
largest research for innovation in this field Birmingham will initiate the
and innovation and enhancing innovation of process soon.
programme worldwide public services in relation to the
support public procurement improvement in quality/efficiency The object of the Barcelona
that promotes research and of public services, providing process, encouraging the
innovation. In this frame, opportunities to SMEs to get participation of SMEs, is the
the European Commission’s involved in public procurement purchase of services on ENERGY
Directorate-General for Enterprise as direct beneficiary/client of a EFFICIENCY MEASURES WITH
and Industry supports pilot purchasing authority. It began INNOVATION IN 10 MUNICIPAL
projects on energy efficiency. The in August of 2012 and now BUILDINGS. These services
Smart Procurement European the project is developing the include the implementation
Alliance, SPEA, is one of them. procurement phase. For more of activities to improve
information consult the website: energy efficiency and energy
The Smart Procurement European management with guaranteed
Alliance, SPEA, is a project to savings, thus Barcelona City
implement a public procurement Currently two of the three Council ensures operational
of innovative solutions in the area procurement processes are efficiency and optimal energy
of energy efficiency in municipal ongoing; Barcelona with a systems in its 10 libraries. The
buildings in the partner cities: Contest - Negotiation and awarding will be in February 2015.
Barcelona (the coordinator) Eindhoven a Competitive Barcelona CC expects a return on
Eindhoven and Birmingham, Dialogue process for their investment within five to six years.
Birmngham city at night Kick off meeting SPEA project (2012)