Page 39 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 39
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 39
service, industry-leading
manufacturers and their know-
how, as well as a broad range
of solutions. Our customers
include energy facilities, process
industry companies, contractors,
distributors, the hardware and
wholesale trades, building
associations and other retailers.
We serve consumers and other
smaller customer accounts
through our Local Energy
installation network and our
comprehensive retailer network.
FOREST INDUSTRY Large scale heatpump’s from Friotherm to District heating purposes.
Decades of reliable and expert
partnership with the forest original spare parts as part of our professional electronics products
industry programme. but our range is constantly being
For decades we have operated broadened to include other
as a supplier of paper and pulp In our solutions involving special principals’ equipment.
industry machinery, equipment expertise, our principals have a
and consumables in Finland, known track-record of increasing Rather than supplying individual
China and Poland. We have production capacity and reducing products, we are increasingly
expanded our operations to the raw material costs. delivering solutions such as
Vietnamese and Russian markets content production, equipment
where we have also gained PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT installation, and instruction in
an established position. Our AND ACCESSORIES the use of products, system
deliveries consist of individual From importer to expert and maintenance and the further
machines and equipment, entire system supplier development of solutions with the
production lines, consumables Professional equipment includes objective of being able to better
and spare parts. Our joint venture different type of measurement support the customer’s business
in China can also supply assembly and control systems. The worlds operations. l
and roll maintenance services in changing and lot new things
as well as the subcontracting of are coming to the market. We try Contact details:
mechanical products. to follow these trends and be able Kaukomarkkinat Oy
to import this new equipment to Lintulahdenkuja 10, PL 98
As a wood processing industry the market. 00501 Helsinki
supplier we represent well- Puh. 09 5211
known European machine and We have long functioned as a Fax 09 521 6641
equipment manufacturers. responsible, expert importer
We offer reliable high-quality of professional electronics in
products and expert services. Finnish market. Our imports
Our co-operation with most of have been based on Panasonic’s
our principals and customers
has spanned decades. We
continue to retain our position
as a leading technology supplier
through product development,
research, training and experience.
We also offer maintenance and
service, industry-leading
manufacturers and their know-
how, as well as a broad range
of solutions. Our customers
include energy facilities, process
industry companies, contractors,
distributors, the hardware and
wholesale trades, building
associations and other retailers.
We serve consumers and other
smaller customer accounts
through our Local Energy
installation network and our
comprehensive retailer network.
FOREST INDUSTRY Large scale heatpump’s from Friotherm to District heating purposes.
Decades of reliable and expert
partnership with the forest original spare parts as part of our professional electronics products
industry programme. but our range is constantly being
For decades we have operated broadened to include other
as a supplier of paper and pulp In our solutions involving special principals’ equipment.
industry machinery, equipment expertise, our principals have a
and consumables in Finland, known track-record of increasing Rather than supplying individual
China and Poland. We have production capacity and reducing products, we are increasingly
expanded our operations to the raw material costs. delivering solutions such as
Vietnamese and Russian markets content production, equipment
where we have also gained PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT installation, and instruction in
an established position. Our AND ACCESSORIES the use of products, system
deliveries consist of individual From importer to expert and maintenance and the further
machines and equipment, entire system supplier development of solutions with the
production lines, consumables Professional equipment includes objective of being able to better
and spare parts. Our joint venture different type of measurement support the customer’s business
in China can also supply assembly and control systems. The worlds operations. l
and roll maintenance services in changing and lot new things
as well as the subcontracting of are coming to the market. We try Contact details:
mechanical products. to follow these trends and be able Kaukomarkkinat Oy
to import this new equipment to Lintulahdenkuja 10, PL 98
As a wood processing industry the market. 00501 Helsinki
supplier we represent well- Puh. 09 5211
known European machine and We have long functioned as a Fax 09 521 6641
equipment manufacturers. responsible, expert importer
We offer reliable high-quality of professional electronics in
products and expert services. Finnish market. Our imports
Our co-operation with most of have been based on Panasonic’s
our principals and customers
has spanned decades. We
continue to retain our position
as a leading technology supplier
through product development,
research, training and experience.
We also offer maintenance and