Page 38 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 38
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
68 years of international trade focused
to Eastern growing markets!
Kaukomarkkinat professional end-users. We the ability and desire of our own
Oy’s International focus on energy-efficient and experts to improve our customers’
business started sustainable technology. We offer operations and efficiency.
1947 by exporting innovative solutions through high-
Finnish goods and industrial quality products and services. If you have a need, please
equipment. During the history look our web-site www.
Kaukomarkkinat was the first We are the expert in total or contact
Finnish company to conclude a solutions. Expertise requires a us: niiles.airola@kaukomarkkinat.
trade agreement for example with solid understanding of both our com.
the Chinese Ministry of Trade. customers’ business and the
Kaukomarkkinat’s presence in products on offer. That makes our More efficient together!
China dates back to 1952 and network of principals, consisting
later on Russia from 60’s. Existing of the best-known manufacturers MAIN CUSTOMER SEGMENTS
we operate in the area of Poland, in their own fields, one of our ENERGY
Baltic, Finland, Russia, Kazakhstan, key strengths. Our relationships Future energy partner
China and Vietnam. with our principals are built on We focus on energy efficiency.
long-standing, confidential co- Our goal is to function as a
Kaukomarkkinat supplies operation. comprehensive system supplier of
products and services for industry, energy-efficient solutions based
energy production and other They have provided us with on local energy. We are increasing
excellent insight into the products our efforts to focus on identifying
MAN turbine service. Yara Uusikaupunki 2013 and technological solutions that customer needs and on tailoring
will be introduced to the market comprehensive solutions to meet
during the next few years. Our those needs.
services are based on established
cooperation with leading We supply systems which
international principals in the increase energy efficiency to
following sectors: forest, energy, the industry through modern
machinery and process industry. technology, more energy efficient
Our services are trade&sales, and environmental friendly way.
local sourcing and different type Our products various from area
of industrial field of services. to area, but typically includes
different types of heat pumps,
Kaukomarkkinat specialises industrial scale heat pumps,
in energy-efficient solutions, energy saving equipment, bio-
applications boosting the fuel boilers, solar thermal panels
operational efficiency of the and solar electricity solutions.
process industry and professional Our best references are within
equipment and accessories. the area DH heating network by
In all three areas, we offer our providing high level heat and cool
customers both top-quality to the cities, e.g. Helsinki.
products and superior expertise.
Our operations are based Our competitive advantages
on the products of the best are our understanding of
manufacturers in the field and customer needs, our expert
68 years of international trade focused
to Eastern growing markets!
Kaukomarkkinat professional end-users. We the ability and desire of our own
Oy’s International focus on energy-efficient and experts to improve our customers’
business started sustainable technology. We offer operations and efficiency.
1947 by exporting innovative solutions through high-
Finnish goods and industrial quality products and services. If you have a need, please
equipment. During the history look our web-site www.
Kaukomarkkinat was the first We are the expert in total or contact
Finnish company to conclude a solutions. Expertise requires a us: niiles.airola@kaukomarkkinat.
trade agreement for example with solid understanding of both our com.
the Chinese Ministry of Trade. customers’ business and the
Kaukomarkkinat’s presence in products on offer. That makes our More efficient together!
China dates back to 1952 and network of principals, consisting
later on Russia from 60’s. Existing of the best-known manufacturers MAIN CUSTOMER SEGMENTS
we operate in the area of Poland, in their own fields, one of our ENERGY
Baltic, Finland, Russia, Kazakhstan, key strengths. Our relationships Future energy partner
China and Vietnam. with our principals are built on We focus on energy efficiency.
long-standing, confidential co- Our goal is to function as a
Kaukomarkkinat supplies operation. comprehensive system supplier of
products and services for industry, energy-efficient solutions based
energy production and other They have provided us with on local energy. We are increasing
excellent insight into the products our efforts to focus on identifying
MAN turbine service. Yara Uusikaupunki 2013 and technological solutions that customer needs and on tailoring
will be introduced to the market comprehensive solutions to meet
during the next few years. Our those needs.
services are based on established
cooperation with leading We supply systems which
international principals in the increase energy efficiency to
following sectors: forest, energy, the industry through modern
machinery and process industry. technology, more energy efficient
Our services are trade&sales, and environmental friendly way.
local sourcing and different type Our products various from area
of industrial field of services. to area, but typically includes
different types of heat pumps,
Kaukomarkkinat specialises industrial scale heat pumps,
in energy-efficient solutions, energy saving equipment, bio-
applications boosting the fuel boilers, solar thermal panels
operational efficiency of the and solar electricity solutions.
process industry and professional Our best references are within
equipment and accessories. the area DH heating network by
In all three areas, we offer our providing high level heat and cool
customers both top-quality to the cities, e.g. Helsinki.
products and superior expertise.
Our operations are based Our competitive advantages
on the products of the best are our understanding of
manufacturers in the field and customer needs, our expert