Page 35 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 35
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 35
COMMUNICATION (Contract profile) improving energy efficiency The Cube – Birmingham
in their buildings previously Barcelona City Hall
The strategy of the Municipality identified. The procurement
of Eindhoven is based on the process is not expected to start
improvement, during a series earlier than December 2014.
of phases, of sustainability in
7 - 9 municipal buildings which The implementation of SPEA
it owns. One crucial aspect of is coordinated jointly with
this tender is an “intelligent but the member cities, Eindhoven
innovative strategy”, which makes Barcelona and Birmingham.
it possible for Eindhoven City This coordination consists of
Council to achieve its objectives adapting the acquisition method,
as far as it is able, not only in contributions by experts in
relation to sustainability, but in evaluating or valuing the bids
terms of building management and with respect to the bidders,
operation and construction, the creation of opportunities
the role of the Municipality in for the international exchange
getting an example, improvement of know-how and the creation
in the quality of life in the city of opportunities for companies
centre, etc. The tender process to submit bids with innovative
developed by Eindhoven is solutions.
Competitive Dialogue. More
information available at This coordination will generate and the “visibility” of the solutions applied in energy efficiency
management services and in
The strategy of the City of particular, the supervision of
Birmingham is aimed at energy consumption. ●
Eindhoven Towers
Brainport Eindhoven Contact details:
SPEA Project Barcelona City Council
Pl. Sant Miquel, ed. Novíssim, pl. 3ª
08002 Barcelona
+ 34 93 402 3323
COMMUNICATION (Contract profile) improving energy efficiency The Cube – Birmingham
in their buildings previously Barcelona City Hall
The strategy of the Municipality identified. The procurement
of Eindhoven is based on the process is not expected to start
improvement, during a series earlier than December 2014.
of phases, of sustainability in
7 - 9 municipal buildings which The implementation of SPEA
it owns. One crucial aspect of is coordinated jointly with
this tender is an “intelligent but the member cities, Eindhoven
innovative strategy”, which makes Barcelona and Birmingham.
it possible for Eindhoven City This coordination consists of
Council to achieve its objectives adapting the acquisition method,
as far as it is able, not only in contributions by experts in
relation to sustainability, but in evaluating or valuing the bids
terms of building management and with respect to the bidders,
operation and construction, the creation of opportunities
the role of the Municipality in for the international exchange
getting an example, improvement of know-how and the creation
in the quality of life in the city of opportunities for companies
centre, etc. The tender process to submit bids with innovative
developed by Eindhoven is solutions.
Competitive Dialogue. More
information available at This coordination will generate and the “visibility” of the solutions applied in energy efficiency
management services and in
The strategy of the City of particular, the supervision of
Birmingham is aimed at energy consumption. ●
Eindhoven Towers
Brainport Eindhoven Contact details:
SPEA Project Barcelona City Council
Pl. Sant Miquel, ed. Novíssim, pl. 3ª
08002 Barcelona
+ 34 93 402 3323