Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 33
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 33
ResilieNtWEB, innovate for a sustainable
business: Indoor Farming
ResilieNtWEB is a free
strategic support
programme for SMEs,
designed to help them
increase their resilience, i.e.
their ability to anticipate market
changes, adjust to them and learn
from the process.
ResilieNtWEB brings together currently testing the pre-feasibility use of harvested rainwater for
the expertise of organisations study with a view to integrating irrigation could lead to drinking
from the south of England, greenhouses into retrofitted water savings of up to 36%.
the north of France, Belgium buildings or new buildings and Even though positive results are
and Luxembourg. It is backed promoting the concept of “closing expected, the biggest challenge
by the European Interreg IVb the loop” for various materials remains the economic viability of
NWE programme. The EU (heat storage and heat exchange, these relative small greenhouses
ResilieNtWEB programme rain water use, water treatment, compared to conventional large
supports eco-innovative solutions CO2 exchanges and materials greenhouse areas.
for SMEs with a special focus on recovery). Four different types of
the construction sector. One of buildings are being analysed in ResilieNtWeb also fosters a
the innovations promoted by order to define the most effective collaborative approach between
ResilieNtWEB and the Brussels energy and water management companies. A new cluster of
Region is the integration of strategy while integrating the two companies has been created,
greenhouses into buildings for different functions (building and comprising 16 companies in
various purposes (local fresh greenhouse). the construction sector from
food production, interior urban across the value chain. They are
green spaces, building resource One of these pilot projects, now involved in this project to
efficiency, etc.). “Choux de Bruxelles” help solve technical problems
( ), is encountered when integrating
Conventional rooftops can be a 1,200 m2 building designed greenhouses into buildings. l
colonised by green roofs or solar for events (business, marketing,
panels – or left bare. A great weddings, etc.), surrounded More information:
many rooftops remain available by 1,500 m2 of productive Contacts at Bruxelles Environnement :
in Brussels and can be used greenhouse space. Etienne Aulotte, eaulotte@environnement.
to integrate an indoor farming – Hélène Dekker, hdekker@
activity. Integrated Indoor Farms Initial results show energy
can be established in a variety of saving potential of up to 40% by The programme is scheduled to end in June
structures (from industrial farming boosting the exchange between 2015; a final brochure containing case
facilities to multifunctional living the two spaces and implementing studies and practical results will then be
and working places) and a wide additional passive measures made available.
range of types (schools, factories, (thermal screens, etc.). The
office buildings, hospitals, event
spaces, residential buildings, etc.).
That’s why the Brussels Region is
ResilieNtWEB, innovate for a sustainable
business: Indoor Farming
ResilieNtWEB is a free
strategic support
programme for SMEs,
designed to help them
increase their resilience, i.e.
their ability to anticipate market
changes, adjust to them and learn
from the process.
ResilieNtWEB brings together currently testing the pre-feasibility use of harvested rainwater for
the expertise of organisations study with a view to integrating irrigation could lead to drinking
from the south of England, greenhouses into retrofitted water savings of up to 36%.
the north of France, Belgium buildings or new buildings and Even though positive results are
and Luxembourg. It is backed promoting the concept of “closing expected, the biggest challenge
by the European Interreg IVb the loop” for various materials remains the economic viability of
NWE programme. The EU (heat storage and heat exchange, these relative small greenhouses
ResilieNtWEB programme rain water use, water treatment, compared to conventional large
supports eco-innovative solutions CO2 exchanges and materials greenhouse areas.
for SMEs with a special focus on recovery). Four different types of
the construction sector. One of buildings are being analysed in ResilieNtWeb also fosters a
the innovations promoted by order to define the most effective collaborative approach between
ResilieNtWEB and the Brussels energy and water management companies. A new cluster of
Region is the integration of strategy while integrating the two companies has been created,
greenhouses into buildings for different functions (building and comprising 16 companies in
various purposes (local fresh greenhouse). the construction sector from
food production, interior urban across the value chain. They are
green spaces, building resource One of these pilot projects, now involved in this project to
efficiency, etc.). “Choux de Bruxelles” help solve technical problems
( ), is encountered when integrating
Conventional rooftops can be a 1,200 m2 building designed greenhouses into buildings. l
colonised by green roofs or solar for events (business, marketing,
panels – or left bare. A great weddings, etc.), surrounded More information:
many rooftops remain available by 1,500 m2 of productive Contacts at Bruxelles Environnement :
in Brussels and can be used greenhouse space. Etienne Aulotte, eaulotte@environnement.
to integrate an indoor farming – Hélène Dekker, hdekker@
activity. Integrated Indoor Farms Initial results show energy
can be established in a variety of saving potential of up to 40% by The programme is scheduled to end in June
structures (from industrial farming boosting the exchange between 2015; a final brochure containing case
facilities to multifunctional living the two spaces and implementing studies and practical results will then be
and working places) and a wide additional passive measures made available.
range of types (schools, factories, (thermal screens, etc.). The
office buildings, hospitals, event
spaces, residential buildings, etc.).
That’s why the Brussels Region is