Page 31 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 31
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 31
Sustainable heat for
our sustainable cities
By Dana Popp, External Relations and Communications Manager, Euroheat & Power
The debate on the district heating and cooling In 2010 Stockholm was selected
energy transition and networks offer the ideal means as the first European Green
decarbonisation of our of exploiting locally available Capital. Ambitious mitigation
energy system has been energy sources as well as surplus goals include cutting CO2
around for many years. Two key heat. By integrating renewable emissions by 44% by as early as
aspects and their intrinsic link energy sources such as biomass, 2015 and being 100% powered
have however just managed to geothermal and solar thermal by renewables by 2050. With
rise at the forefront as key to energy, as well as using the heat more than 60% of the city heat
future action. Cities and heat. generated from waste-to-energy demand covered by district
Having been taken for granted and combined heat and power heating, all coal and fossil-fuel
or just simply out of focus, plants, district heating becomes powered public and private
the fear of potential gas and one of the most carbon efficient heating will be gradually phased
electricity shortages suddenly and flexible ways to produce and out to reach these goals.
brought things down to earth: supply heat locally. Any better
would Europeans freeze in their way to cut imported fossil fuel The Danish Capital Copenhagen
homes this winter? Yet, whatever reliance and electricity peaks with its 550.000 inhabitants
solution cannot not concern altogether? seeks to become the first carbon
only this winter, as energy crises neutral capital in the world by
will come and go. How are we It comes then as no surprise 2025. An estimated 75% of the
going to heat our cities in an that some of the greenest and CO2 reductions will come from
efficient, independent (from most environmentally ambitious initiatives in relation to the city’s
external suppliers or single municipalities in Europe have in energy system mainly involving an
energy sources) and sustainable common their choice for efficient increase in the share of renewable
manner? district heating. energy in the city’s district
heating. And yes, Copenhagen is
Cities account for over 70% of Munich, the financial centre of the 2014 Green Capital.
global energy consumption, as southern Germany, is a living
well as 40-50% of greenhouse example of tacking climate issues The examples could fortunately
gas emissions worldwide. for several decades, having continue. Not only in Europe –
With transport and industry introduced many green initiatives the international community is
generally holding the headlines, to reduce waste and make better also putting cities and heat hand
it is actually heating and cooling use of its energy infrastructure, in hand. During the September
where more than half of cities’ including renewables. The city’s 2014 Climate Summit in New
energy is used for. municipal utilities company York, cities and energy have been
aims to supply every customer regarded as priority action areas.
When it comes to heating our with renewable energy by 2025,
cities, modern low-carbon district reduce CO2 emissions by 50% Moreover, under the global
energy is the ideal fit in the heart by 2030 and become the first initiative “Sustainable Energy for
of a green urban community. German city to have district All” (SE4ALL), the UN Environment
In dense city environments, heating that relies solely on Programme in collaboration with
with high heat demand, renewable sources by 2040. private sector, local authorities
Sustainable heat for
our sustainable cities
By Dana Popp, External Relations and Communications Manager, Euroheat & Power
The debate on the district heating and cooling In 2010 Stockholm was selected
energy transition and networks offer the ideal means as the first European Green
decarbonisation of our of exploiting locally available Capital. Ambitious mitigation
energy system has been energy sources as well as surplus goals include cutting CO2
around for many years. Two key heat. By integrating renewable emissions by 44% by as early as
aspects and their intrinsic link energy sources such as biomass, 2015 and being 100% powered
have however just managed to geothermal and solar thermal by renewables by 2050. With
rise at the forefront as key to energy, as well as using the heat more than 60% of the city heat
future action. Cities and heat. generated from waste-to-energy demand covered by district
Having been taken for granted and combined heat and power heating, all coal and fossil-fuel
or just simply out of focus, plants, district heating becomes powered public and private
the fear of potential gas and one of the most carbon efficient heating will be gradually phased
electricity shortages suddenly and flexible ways to produce and out to reach these goals.
brought things down to earth: supply heat locally. Any better
would Europeans freeze in their way to cut imported fossil fuel The Danish Capital Copenhagen
homes this winter? Yet, whatever reliance and electricity peaks with its 550.000 inhabitants
solution cannot not concern altogether? seeks to become the first carbon
only this winter, as energy crises neutral capital in the world by
will come and go. How are we It comes then as no surprise 2025. An estimated 75% of the
going to heat our cities in an that some of the greenest and CO2 reductions will come from
efficient, independent (from most environmentally ambitious initiatives in relation to the city’s
external suppliers or single municipalities in Europe have in energy system mainly involving an
energy sources) and sustainable common their choice for efficient increase in the share of renewable
manner? district heating. energy in the city’s district
heating. And yes, Copenhagen is
Cities account for over 70% of Munich, the financial centre of the 2014 Green Capital.
global energy consumption, as southern Germany, is a living
well as 40-50% of greenhouse example of tacking climate issues The examples could fortunately
gas emissions worldwide. for several decades, having continue. Not only in Europe –
With transport and industry introduced many green initiatives the international community is
generally holding the headlines, to reduce waste and make better also putting cities and heat hand
it is actually heating and cooling use of its energy infrastructure, in hand. During the September
where more than half of cities’ including renewables. The city’s 2014 Climate Summit in New
energy is used for. municipal utilities company York, cities and energy have been
aims to supply every customer regarded as priority action areas.
When it comes to heating our with renewable energy by 2025,
cities, modern low-carbon district reduce CO2 emissions by 50% Moreover, under the global
energy is the ideal fit in the heart by 2030 and become the first initiative “Sustainable Energy for
of a green urban community. German city to have district All” (SE4ALL), the UN Environment
In dense city environments, heating that relies solely on Programme in collaboration with
with high heat demand, renewable sources by 2040. private sector, local authorities