Page 27 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 27
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 27
STATEMENTS OF THE IBU EPD is an important step in the we realized the enormous benefit a
MEMBERS: right direction, as it contributes to European solution would bring about.
further harmonizing the process and Congratulations to the founders of the
Gesamtverband der Deutschen facilitating the proliferation of EPD’s ECO Platform. They have prepared
Aluminiumindustrie (GDA): across Europe. We fully support the the ground to overcome national
efforts, in cooperation with their restrictions regarding EPDs and have
“We are very pleased that our EPDs industry partners, of the ECO Platform therefore reduced bureaucracy. We
have been listed on the website of the going forwards.“ (Vincent Briard, Head are very proud to be among the
ECO Platform. The internationalisation of Sustainability, Products & Buildings first owners of Eco-EPDs.“ (Gerald
of markets requires cross-border Knauf Insulation) Feigenbutz, EPPA & QKE)
recognition of environmental product
declarations. This is the only way Qualitätsverband SIKA Deutschland:
a widespread acceptance can be Kunststofferzeugnisse (QKE) &
ensured.“ (Jörg H. Schäfer, Head of European PVC Window Profiles “As a global supplier of systems and
Recycling & Sustainability GDA). and related Building Products products for the construction sector,
Associationatform (EPPA): sustainability is a key component
Knauf Insulation: of Sika’s business. Regarding
“The European PVC Window Profile communication, the importance of
“Knauf Insulation is a global insulation and Related Building Products EPDs is increasing worldwide. The
company with manufacturing plants Association, EPPA aisbl, can be seen multitude of frameworks and formats
in Europe, US and Middle East. Part as a pioneer, offering Association can be confusing and costly, so ECO
of our commitment to sustainability EPDs for window manufacturers, Platform’s paving the way to mutual
is to make information on the planners and architects. Initially, we recognition on a European level is very
environmental impact of products wanted to create an external reference welcomed.” (Clara Fiúza, Sika Services
available to the market, specifically document for our sector, but very soon AG)
EPD’s. The launch of the Eco Platform
The initiative to found the ECO Find further information on:
Platform and to create the basis;
for mutual recognition across
borders is very well received by Contact:
the industry, since it fosters efforts
to reduce trade barriers regarding Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
product related environmental Panoramastr. 1, D-10178 Berlin
communication. Tel: (+49) - (0) 30-30 87 74 8 - 14
Fax: (+49) - (0) 30-30 87 74 8 – 29
The founding members of Email:
the ECO Platform were the
Institut Bauen und Umwelt
as a programme operator in
Germany and also the European
construction material association
“Construction Products Europe”.
In future, every “ECO-EPD” from
the various programmes will be
registered on the ECO Platform
website ( l
STATEMENTS OF THE IBU EPD is an important step in the we realized the enormous benefit a
MEMBERS: right direction, as it contributes to European solution would bring about.
further harmonizing the process and Congratulations to the founders of the
Gesamtverband der Deutschen facilitating the proliferation of EPD’s ECO Platform. They have prepared
Aluminiumindustrie (GDA): across Europe. We fully support the the ground to overcome national
efforts, in cooperation with their restrictions regarding EPDs and have
“We are very pleased that our EPDs industry partners, of the ECO Platform therefore reduced bureaucracy. We
have been listed on the website of the going forwards.“ (Vincent Briard, Head are very proud to be among the
ECO Platform. The internationalisation of Sustainability, Products & Buildings first owners of Eco-EPDs.“ (Gerald
of markets requires cross-border Knauf Insulation) Feigenbutz, EPPA & QKE)
recognition of environmental product
declarations. This is the only way Qualitätsverband SIKA Deutschland:
a widespread acceptance can be Kunststofferzeugnisse (QKE) &
ensured.“ (Jörg H. Schäfer, Head of European PVC Window Profiles “As a global supplier of systems and
Recycling & Sustainability GDA). and related Building Products products for the construction sector,
Associationatform (EPPA): sustainability is a key component
Knauf Insulation: of Sika’s business. Regarding
“The European PVC Window Profile communication, the importance of
“Knauf Insulation is a global insulation and Related Building Products EPDs is increasing worldwide. The
company with manufacturing plants Association, EPPA aisbl, can be seen multitude of frameworks and formats
in Europe, US and Middle East. Part as a pioneer, offering Association can be confusing and costly, so ECO
of our commitment to sustainability EPDs for window manufacturers, Platform’s paving the way to mutual
is to make information on the planners and architects. Initially, we recognition on a European level is very
environmental impact of products wanted to create an external reference welcomed.” (Clara Fiúza, Sika Services
available to the market, specifically document for our sector, but very soon AG)
EPD’s. The launch of the Eco Platform
The initiative to found the ECO Find further information on:
Platform and to create the basis;
for mutual recognition across
borders is very well received by Contact:
the industry, since it fosters efforts
to reduce trade barriers regarding Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
product related environmental Panoramastr. 1, D-10178 Berlin
communication. Tel: (+49) - (0) 30-30 87 74 8 - 14
Fax: (+49) - (0) 30-30 87 74 8 – 29
The founding members of Email:
the ECO Platform were the
Institut Bauen und Umwelt
as a programme operator in
Germany and also the European
construction material association
“Construction Products Europe”.
In future, every “ECO-EPD” from
the various programmes will be
registered on the ECO Platform
website ( l