Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 37
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 37
plants and about 350 heat-only reducing the transport costs of Jari Kostama
boilers mainly using biomass or wood. These measures include,
waste. inter alia, the development of developed the so-called SunZeb
rail transport for energy wood concept, in which apartment
Today the share of wood and supplies, safeguarding the buildings also serve as a kind of
other biomass in district heating conditions of the road network solar thermal collectors. Collected
is close to 30 per cent. It is and developing a chain of heat is then transferred via district
actually the first time that the regional terminals for the forest cooling to district heating for
use of biomass is larger than any energy supply. In addition, domestic hot water production.
other energy source in district the wood market needs to be In the summer of 2014 the solar
heating production. And the developed, for example with energy collected was already
trend continues. According to up-to-date and transparent approximately 40 GWh. This
calculations of Finnish Energy price information data and by corresponds to annual heat
Industries, wood and other the introduction of an open and demand of approximately 20
biomass based district heat comprehensive electronic wood 000 new high-rise apartments.
production can be even 50 per market. Moreover, Fortum and St1
cent in the year 2020. In this have announced to begin the
case, the district heating would Renewable energy deployment exploitation of geothermal
have well fulfilled in the Finnish on a large scale in district heat energy for district heating
renewable energy obligation, production in Finland also production in Espoo. In the
which for 2020 is 38 per cent. requires that European legislation past, general assumption has
does not impose unnecessary been that geothermal energy
In Finland, the biomass means barriers to the use of growth. is not economically exploitable
mainly wood, which is industrial For example, the much spoken in Finland. However, these two
by-products such as sawdust, bark solid biomass sustainability companies are planning a 40 MW
and wood chips and wood, which criteria issue could be difficult district heating plant construction
comes directly from the forest for development of energy in Espoo, Finland. l
in a form of chips. In particular, use of wood. If the criteria are
the use of forest chips has been being drawn up, they should be Jari Kostama
growing fast and tenfold in the based on existing, for example, Director, District Heating & CHP
past ten years. Biomass also economic forest certification Finnish Energy Industries
includes biodegradable part of systems. The use of biomass Fredrikinkatu 51-53 B
municipal waste. in combustion plants should P.O.Box 100, FI-00101 Helsinki
be remained carbon neutral. Finland
All the preconditions for Furthermore, the Commission in Tel.: +358 (0) 9 530 520,
significant increase in the use the summer of 2014 published its Direct +358 (0) 9 5305 2301
of renewable energy sources package of circulation economy GSM: +358 (0) 50 3011 870
in the Finnish district heating with 6 proposals to amended Fax: +358 (0) 9 5305 2900
production exist. The required waste-related directives. In E-mail:
capacity is already there or is the worst case the package
planned to be in use in the next may compromise the energy
few years. The sector has invested efficient and cost-effectively
a lot. In the last seven years, the rational utilization of the energy
district heating companies have content of the waste. The Finnish
invested approximately EUR 2.6 experience with the waste-
billion for wood and waste fires to-energy plants shows that
district heating plants. Finnish the waste going to landfill has
Energy Industries estimates that decreased radically and energy
even before 2020, additional use of waste has contributed to
investments of around EUR 2.4 the waste sorting and recovery.
billion will be used for wood and
waste fired plants. The district heating sector actively
participates in developing
However, market entry for energy technological solutions and
wood is still to be encouraged especially those enabling of
by promoting wood supply carbon-neutral production. For
chains and logistics as well as by example, Helsinki Energy has
plants and about 350 heat-only reducing the transport costs of Jari Kostama
boilers mainly using biomass or wood. These measures include,
waste. inter alia, the development of developed the so-called SunZeb
rail transport for energy wood concept, in which apartment
Today the share of wood and supplies, safeguarding the buildings also serve as a kind of
other biomass in district heating conditions of the road network solar thermal collectors. Collected
is close to 30 per cent. It is and developing a chain of heat is then transferred via district
actually the first time that the regional terminals for the forest cooling to district heating for
use of biomass is larger than any energy supply. In addition, domestic hot water production.
other energy source in district the wood market needs to be In the summer of 2014 the solar
heating production. And the developed, for example with energy collected was already
trend continues. According to up-to-date and transparent approximately 40 GWh. This
calculations of Finnish Energy price information data and by corresponds to annual heat
Industries, wood and other the introduction of an open and demand of approximately 20
biomass based district heat comprehensive electronic wood 000 new high-rise apartments.
production can be even 50 per market. Moreover, Fortum and St1
cent in the year 2020. In this have announced to begin the
case, the district heating would Renewable energy deployment exploitation of geothermal
have well fulfilled in the Finnish on a large scale in district heat energy for district heating
renewable energy obligation, production in Finland also production in Espoo. In the
which for 2020 is 38 per cent. requires that European legislation past, general assumption has
does not impose unnecessary been that geothermal energy
In Finland, the biomass means barriers to the use of growth. is not economically exploitable
mainly wood, which is industrial For example, the much spoken in Finland. However, these two
by-products such as sawdust, bark solid biomass sustainability companies are planning a 40 MW
and wood chips and wood, which criteria issue could be difficult district heating plant construction
comes directly from the forest for development of energy in Espoo, Finland. l
in a form of chips. In particular, use of wood. If the criteria are
the use of forest chips has been being drawn up, they should be Jari Kostama
growing fast and tenfold in the based on existing, for example, Director, District Heating & CHP
past ten years. Biomass also economic forest certification Finnish Energy Industries
includes biodegradable part of systems. The use of biomass Fredrikinkatu 51-53 B
municipal waste. in combustion plants should P.O.Box 100, FI-00101 Helsinki
be remained carbon neutral. Finland
All the preconditions for Furthermore, the Commission in Tel.: +358 (0) 9 530 520,
significant increase in the use the summer of 2014 published its Direct +358 (0) 9 5305 2301
of renewable energy sources package of circulation economy GSM: +358 (0) 50 3011 870
in the Finnish district heating with 6 proposals to amended Fax: +358 (0) 9 5305 2900
production exist. The required waste-related directives. In E-mail:
capacity is already there or is the worst case the package
planned to be in use in the next may compromise the energy
few years. The sector has invested efficient and cost-effectively
a lot. In the last seven years, the rational utilization of the energy
district heating companies have content of the waste. The Finnish
invested approximately EUR 2.6 experience with the waste-
billion for wood and waste fires to-energy plants shows that
district heating plants. Finnish the waste going to landfill has
Energy Industries estimates that decreased radically and energy
even before 2020, additional use of waste has contributed to
investments of around EUR 2.4 the waste sorting and recovery.
billion will be used for wood and
waste fired plants. The district heating sector actively
participates in developing
However, market entry for energy technological solutions and
wood is still to be encouraged especially those enabling of
by promoting wood supply carbon-neutral production. For
chains and logistics as well as by example, Helsinki Energy has