Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 41
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 41
which are installed at the heating as to heat positive buildings. system, but the buildings are
plant. In addition booster pump In regional heating systems an, cooled by the system. The
stations installed along the operator such as an electricity cooling medium is normally
network can be used along the distributor, is required. Because water at a temperature of 6 - 10
pipeline systems. of low energy buildings, higher °C and a temperature rise of
construction will be required about 10 °C for consumer side.
Consumers are connected in towns and cities and tighter Cooling energy is produced
to the main district heating building groups in suburbs. by compressor machines using
system via a ready to install heat electricity or by absorption
exchanger substation. It is also Future district heating systems will machines using district heat from
recommended to connect the be driven at a lower temperature CHP plant.
hot tap water system (55-58 c) to (60 °C or even lower) . This will
the DH network so that oxygen make it possible to plan for new Integration of district cooling and
inhibitors can be used to ensure types of CHP plants with higher heating systems is taking place
a good flow through the district power to heat ratio. These will be in Helsinki and Turku . District
heating pipeline system. The more suitable for society’s energy cooling makes also possible to
main substation components are consumption profile. prolong the utilisation maximum
easy to use, reliable, efficient and load period of CHP plants. Solar
economical. Solar energy will make a absorption technology and PV
substantial contribution to district panels connected to compressors
They guarantee the required heating systems. The roofs of will assist cooling production.
needed thermal effect and buildings can be used for solar Cooling capacity will be at its
temperature for the consumers. panels which can be connected to highest when cooling demand in
the DH-system. Solar CHP plants buildings is also at its peak. l
District heating system consists will be base load units. In this way
of heat production, transfer and the storage of electricity and heat Contact details:
consumer subsystems. All the energy can provide an effective Kari Sipilä, Principal Scientist
subsystems consist of modules. and economically sound solution. VTT, Energy Systems
They have their own information P.B. 1000
system providing measurements, Pipelines should be made of FI-02044 VTT
data collection, alarm, control recycled material such as plastic Email:
and regulation. The subsystems or metal, while recycled plastic Tel: +358 20 722 6550
work in series from the supply foam or natural materials can
network to the consumer and vice be used for insulation. Heat
versa. In future the subsystems transfer media could be some
will be connected to one main regenerative chemical or two
information system which will phase process, which provides a
allow a two-way information high heat transfer capacity, low
transfer between the different transfer temperature and low
subsystems. As a result, the friction.
controlling and forecasting
functions of the district heating Advanced control, information
system will be faster and more and communication systems will
accurate. be needed to produce a highly
effective central DH system
DISTRICT HEATING IN THE connected to the buildings
FUTURE subsystems.
As heat producers district
heating systems must be able DISTRICT COOLING
to adjust to low energy systems A district cooling system is
in zero-energy buildings as well analogical to the district heating
which are installed at the heating as to heat positive buildings. system, but the buildings are
plant. In addition booster pump In regional heating systems an, cooled by the system. The
stations installed along the operator such as an electricity cooling medium is normally
network can be used along the distributor, is required. Because water at a temperature of 6 - 10
pipeline systems. of low energy buildings, higher °C and a temperature rise of
construction will be required about 10 °C for consumer side.
Consumers are connected in towns and cities and tighter Cooling energy is produced
to the main district heating building groups in suburbs. by compressor machines using
system via a ready to install heat electricity or by absorption
exchanger substation. It is also Future district heating systems will machines using district heat from
recommended to connect the be driven at a lower temperature CHP plant.
hot tap water system (55-58 c) to (60 °C or even lower) . This will
the DH network so that oxygen make it possible to plan for new Integration of district cooling and
inhibitors can be used to ensure types of CHP plants with higher heating systems is taking place
a good flow through the district power to heat ratio. These will be in Helsinki and Turku . District
heating pipeline system. The more suitable for society’s energy cooling makes also possible to
main substation components are consumption profile. prolong the utilisation maximum
easy to use, reliable, efficient and load period of CHP plants. Solar
economical. Solar energy will make a absorption technology and PV
substantial contribution to district panels connected to compressors
They guarantee the required heating systems. The roofs of will assist cooling production.
needed thermal effect and buildings can be used for solar Cooling capacity will be at its
temperature for the consumers. panels which can be connected to highest when cooling demand in
the DH-system. Solar CHP plants buildings is also at its peak. l
District heating system consists will be base load units. In this way
of heat production, transfer and the storage of electricity and heat Contact details:
consumer subsystems. All the energy can provide an effective Kari Sipilä, Principal Scientist
subsystems consist of modules. and economically sound solution. VTT, Energy Systems
They have their own information P.B. 1000
system providing measurements, Pipelines should be made of FI-02044 VTT
data collection, alarm, control recycled material such as plastic Email:
and regulation. The subsystems or metal, while recycled plastic Tel: +358 20 722 6550
work in series from the supply foam or natural materials can
network to the consumer and vice be used for insulation. Heat
versa. In future the subsystems transfer media could be some
will be connected to one main regenerative chemical or two
information system which will phase process, which provides a
allow a two-way information high heat transfer capacity, low
transfer between the different transfer temperature and low
subsystems. As a result, the friction.
controlling and forecasting
functions of the district heating Advanced control, information
system will be faster and more and communication systems will
accurate. be needed to produce a highly
effective central DH system
DISTRICT HEATING IN THE connected to the buildings
FUTURE subsystems.
As heat producers district
heating systems must be able DISTRICT COOLING
to adjust to low energy systems A district cooling system is
in zero-energy buildings as well analogical to the district heating