Page 43 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 43
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 43
of CCS is that it can provide Even more globally, of course Didier Houssin
solutions for several industrial the UN-led process to set goals
sectors, such as cement, steel, and coordinate actions to combat
chemicals and refining. Indeed, climate change provides an
the significance of CCS for these opportunity for CCS. After all,
sectors is even higher than we are discussing a group of
for power. In these industries, technologies to be deployed
there is simply no other known exclusively for the sake of climate.
technology that can achieve So our chance is now to make
significant emission reductions. sure that this global process also
So CCS is not only a coal story. It includes CCS. This can be done
is very much more than that. from two directions: both from
the inclusion of CCS in Parties’
In addition to technology national pledges, and by ensuring
innovation, CCS would definitely that CCS can fully benefit from
also benefit from policy the various UNFCCC mechanisms
innovation. Right here in Europe, alongside other technologies.
in fact, the UK offers a textbook
example of comprehensive So there are plenty of reasons to
CCS policy making. In addition be hopeful today.
to pursuing a research and
development policy, the UK But let’s not forget that policy and from Member States and industry,
offers a strong policy push politics matter to CCS, more than jointly investing in their futures,
for demonstration and early for any other energy technology will be key, but success will also
deployment. The UK CCS at the moment. Unfortunately, in depend on certain enabling
commercialisation programme many countries with considerable actions from the Commission. A
with the associated capital potential for CCS, and even with strategy for CCS could include:
grants and the reforms of the much relevant expertise, the encouraging Member States
energy market with contract- backing and championing of to take advantage of CCS to
for-difference feed-in-tariffs CCS by policy-makers has slowed meet 2030 climate targets;
for CCS surely look promising. down or disappeared. CCS has improving the performance of
I should stress that speed of become a political orphan. This component technologies through
implementation is of essence. has unfortunately been the case research; adapting the New
especially in Europe. But it’s not Entrants Reserve to the needs of
Some international or global too late to turn this around. It is innovative projects with European
processes also deserve a also imperative that the next wave added-value; and supporting
mention due to their interesting of investment decisions includes Europe’s industrial sector to
potential for CCS. Recently the projects in Europe. ROAD, White maintain competitiveness while
US and China issued a joint Rose and Peterhead spring to sharply cutting emissions. As has
announcement on climate mind as obvious candidates. already been seen in a number
change, at the presidential level. of sectors and regions, CCS is
The announcement includes The IEA hopes that Europe much closer to competitiveness
various energy technology continues to work to keep deep that people realise, but closing
actions, including very direct decarbonisation possible, by the gap requires political
references to developing joint making CCS available. The 2030 commitment. l
CCS projects. This is significant, timeframe could be crucial,
as the two countries are the and so it is positive that CCS
world’s two largest energy users is explicitly mentioned in the
and CO2 emitters. Joining their recent political deal on the
efforts to boost CCS on the level 2030 framework for climate and
of concrete projects must be energy policies. The next step
congratulated. is to deliver action. Leadership
of CCS is that it can provide Even more globally, of course Didier Houssin
solutions for several industrial the UN-led process to set goals
sectors, such as cement, steel, and coordinate actions to combat
chemicals and refining. Indeed, climate change provides an
the significance of CCS for these opportunity for CCS. After all,
sectors is even higher than we are discussing a group of
for power. In these industries, technologies to be deployed
there is simply no other known exclusively for the sake of climate.
technology that can achieve So our chance is now to make
significant emission reductions. sure that this global process also
So CCS is not only a coal story. It includes CCS. This can be done
is very much more than that. from two directions: both from
the inclusion of CCS in Parties’
In addition to technology national pledges, and by ensuring
innovation, CCS would definitely that CCS can fully benefit from
also benefit from policy the various UNFCCC mechanisms
innovation. Right here in Europe, alongside other technologies.
in fact, the UK offers a textbook
example of comprehensive So there are plenty of reasons to
CCS policy making. In addition be hopeful today.
to pursuing a research and
development policy, the UK But let’s not forget that policy and from Member States and industry,
offers a strong policy push politics matter to CCS, more than jointly investing in their futures,
for demonstration and early for any other energy technology will be key, but success will also
deployment. The UK CCS at the moment. Unfortunately, in depend on certain enabling
commercialisation programme many countries with considerable actions from the Commission. A
with the associated capital potential for CCS, and even with strategy for CCS could include:
grants and the reforms of the much relevant expertise, the encouraging Member States
energy market with contract- backing and championing of to take advantage of CCS to
for-difference feed-in-tariffs CCS by policy-makers has slowed meet 2030 climate targets;
for CCS surely look promising. down or disappeared. CCS has improving the performance of
I should stress that speed of become a political orphan. This component technologies through
implementation is of essence. has unfortunately been the case research; adapting the New
especially in Europe. But it’s not Entrants Reserve to the needs of
Some international or global too late to turn this around. It is innovative projects with European
processes also deserve a also imperative that the next wave added-value; and supporting
mention due to their interesting of investment decisions includes Europe’s industrial sector to
potential for CCS. Recently the projects in Europe. ROAD, White maintain competitiveness while
US and China issued a joint Rose and Peterhead spring to sharply cutting emissions. As has
announcement on climate mind as obvious candidates. already been seen in a number
change, at the presidential level. of sectors and regions, CCS is
The announcement includes The IEA hopes that Europe much closer to competitiveness
various energy technology continues to work to keep deep that people realise, but closing
actions, including very direct decarbonisation possible, by the gap requires political
references to developing joint making CCS available. The 2030 commitment. l
CCS projects. This is significant, timeframe could be crucial,
as the two countries are the and so it is positive that CCS
world’s two largest energy users is explicitly mentioned in the
and CO2 emitters. Joining their recent political deal on the
efforts to boost CCS on the level 2030 framework for climate and
of concrete projects must be energy policies. The next step
congratulated. is to deliver action. Leadership