Page 48 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 48
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
New generation of thermal insulating
renders with CO2 storage components
mortars and renders are a big can reduce the perlite content by
PREAMBLE part of the materials, and their keeping the thermal conductivity
The possibility of using silicate
based insulating materials to properties could be used as in a reduced range.
replace expanded polystyrene is supplementary functions such as
one step in the right direction for the storage of CO2 in insulating SOME TECHNICAL
the protection of the environment. mortars through the utilisation
However, in the building industry, INFORMATION ON THE CO2
of vegetal components such as BALANCE
industrial hemp. As the BaFa neu GmbH in Malsch,
Germany, informed us, the
In collaboration with Lisbonis ecological balance of hemp is
Chaux Grasses we decided to very advantageous because of
undertake preliminary tests in this its ability to store CO2. Mr. Bernd
direction. Frank who is the CEO has told
us that 1kg of hemp can contain
EXPERIMENTAL STAGE about 1,5 kg of CO2. The CO2
In order to prove the plausibility requirement for the production
of this idea we started by mixing of hemp aggregates represents
hemp aggregates with expanded approximately 0,250 kg. As a
perlite. These raw materials have result we have a mass balance of
the capacity to store CO2 and 1,25 kg of CO2 contained in a kg
to provide additional insulation of hemp.
By mixing the expanded
perlite together with the hemp CONCLUSION
aggregates in a special mortar At this point in time we can
we were able to demonstrate, confirm that industrial hemp is a
during preliminary tests, that it is plant that has good potential to
possible to create a new material store CO2 in building materials.
with interesting physical and Its thermal insulation qualities
ecological properties. This new also provide additional reduction
material makes it possible to of CO2. We are currently seeking
make new highly elastic insulating partners to join us in an EU
mortars that can incorporate CO2 project and would welcome any
in their structure Furthermore, we interested enquiries. l
Contact details
SCHWENK Putztechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Mr Johann Balau, Laudenbacher Weg 8, D-97753 Karlstadt
Tel: +49 9353 9855 143, Mobile: +49 171 302 5198, Email:, Web:
New generation of thermal insulating
renders with CO2 storage components
mortars and renders are a big can reduce the perlite content by
PREAMBLE part of the materials, and their keeping the thermal conductivity
The possibility of using silicate
based insulating materials to properties could be used as in a reduced range.
replace expanded polystyrene is supplementary functions such as
one step in the right direction for the storage of CO2 in insulating SOME TECHNICAL
the protection of the environment. mortars through the utilisation
However, in the building industry, INFORMATION ON THE CO2
of vegetal components such as BALANCE
industrial hemp. As the BaFa neu GmbH in Malsch,
Germany, informed us, the
In collaboration with Lisbonis ecological balance of hemp is
Chaux Grasses we decided to very advantageous because of
undertake preliminary tests in this its ability to store CO2. Mr. Bernd
direction. Frank who is the CEO has told
us that 1kg of hemp can contain
EXPERIMENTAL STAGE about 1,5 kg of CO2. The CO2
In order to prove the plausibility requirement for the production
of this idea we started by mixing of hemp aggregates represents
hemp aggregates with expanded approximately 0,250 kg. As a
perlite. These raw materials have result we have a mass balance of
the capacity to store CO2 and 1,25 kg of CO2 contained in a kg
to provide additional insulation of hemp.
By mixing the expanded
perlite together with the hemp CONCLUSION
aggregates in a special mortar At this point in time we can
we were able to demonstrate, confirm that industrial hemp is a
during preliminary tests, that it is plant that has good potential to
possible to create a new material store CO2 in building materials.
with interesting physical and Its thermal insulation qualities
ecological properties. This new also provide additional reduction
material makes it possible to of CO2. We are currently seeking
make new highly elastic insulating partners to join us in an EU
mortars that can incorporate CO2 project and would welcome any
in their structure Furthermore, we interested enquiries. l
Contact details
SCHWENK Putztechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Mr Johann Balau, Laudenbacher Weg 8, D-97753 Karlstadt
Tel: +49 9353 9855 143, Mobile: +49 171 302 5198, Email:, Web: