Page 50 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
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Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
700,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in binding only at an EU level. There
a depleted natural gas reservoir is much to be welcomed here, as
deep below the seabed. In the it paves the way for a technology
Netherlands, ROAD promises to neutral energy framework which
capture 1.1 million tonnes of CO2 recognises the importance of
per year from a new power plant CCS – alongside renewables and
located on the Maasvlakte and energy efficiency – in delivering
store it in a depleted gas reservoir a secure future energy mix for
in the North Sea. Europe.
Luke Warren, CEO, CCSA In the UK, the White Rose CCS LESSONS LEARNT
project will capture CO2 from What the CCS experience this a coal/biomass facility, while year shows us, is that all that’s
Follow us on Twitter: @The_CCSA the CCS Peterhead project will really needed is political will.
The Carbon Capture & Storage Association, capture CO2 from a fossil gas Europe has a unique combination
6th Floor, 10 Dean Farrer Street, London, SW1H 0DX power plant. In total, these of physical and human assets
projects will capture and store to develop CCS, undoubtedly
approximately 3 million tonnes providing the opportunity to
per annum of CO2 in the North become a global leader in the
Sea. Both projects are currently CCS sector.
progressing through detailed
engineering studies with the The task for Member States across
support of the UK Government. Europe in 2015 is to scale-up
CCS so that it can be deployed
In a crucial development, CCS at a widespread scale; thereby
benefited from its first mention achieving cost reductions and
in the EU 2030 Climate and contributing to significant CO2
Energy Framework in six years. reductions. We urgently need a
The significance of this cannot be steady roll-out of projects across
understated. The explicit inclusion Europe; ensuring that CCS
of CCS within the context of the becomes cost-competitive with
new NER400 funding scheme is other low-carbon technologies in
a vital step in making sure that the 2020s. With decisive action,
European power sector and these projects could deliver real
energy intensive industries get benefits in a matter of years and
the support they need to maintain form the foundations of a thriving
their competitiveness. European CCS industry.
Alongside an ambitious cut in It is well understood that
carbon dioxide, the Council with every tonne of fossil fuel
agreed that Member States consumed without CCS, our need
should be free to choose the to tackle climate change becomes
most appropriate technologies an ever more critical challenge.
to reducing emission with the CCS projects must succeed – so
target of “at least 27%” renewable let’s all hope that next year, is the
energy in the mix by 2030 year of CCS in Europe. l
700,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in binding only at an EU level. There
a depleted natural gas reservoir is much to be welcomed here, as
deep below the seabed. In the it paves the way for a technology
Netherlands, ROAD promises to neutral energy framework which
capture 1.1 million tonnes of CO2 recognises the importance of
per year from a new power plant CCS – alongside renewables and
located on the Maasvlakte and energy efficiency – in delivering
store it in a depleted gas reservoir a secure future energy mix for
in the North Sea. Europe.
Luke Warren, CEO, CCSA In the UK, the White Rose CCS LESSONS LEARNT
project will capture CO2 from What the CCS experience this a coal/biomass facility, while year shows us, is that all that’s
Follow us on Twitter: @The_CCSA the CCS Peterhead project will really needed is political will.
The Carbon Capture & Storage Association, capture CO2 from a fossil gas Europe has a unique combination
6th Floor, 10 Dean Farrer Street, London, SW1H 0DX power plant. In total, these of physical and human assets
projects will capture and store to develop CCS, undoubtedly
approximately 3 million tonnes providing the opportunity to
per annum of CO2 in the North become a global leader in the
Sea. Both projects are currently CCS sector.
progressing through detailed
engineering studies with the The task for Member States across
support of the UK Government. Europe in 2015 is to scale-up
CCS so that it can be deployed
In a crucial development, CCS at a widespread scale; thereby
benefited from its first mention achieving cost reductions and
in the EU 2030 Climate and contributing to significant CO2
Energy Framework in six years. reductions. We urgently need a
The significance of this cannot be steady roll-out of projects across
understated. The explicit inclusion Europe; ensuring that CCS
of CCS within the context of the becomes cost-competitive with
new NER400 funding scheme is other low-carbon technologies in
a vital step in making sure that the 2020s. With decisive action,
European power sector and these projects could deliver real
energy intensive industries get benefits in a matter of years and
the support they need to maintain form the foundations of a thriving
their competitiveness. European CCS industry.
Alongside an ambitious cut in It is well understood that
carbon dioxide, the Council with every tonne of fossil fuel
agreed that Member States consumed without CCS, our need
should be free to choose the to tackle climate change becomes
most appropriate technologies an ever more critical challenge.
to reducing emission with the CCS projects must succeed – so
target of “at least 27%” renewable let’s all hope that next year, is the
energy in the mix by 2030 year of CCS in Europe. l