Page 55 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 55
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 55
to the negative and the positive pricing will allow them to charge they are not just cleaner and
scenario is the same: smart their cars at lower cost. more energy efficient, but also
charging. able to connect key links across
Another key benefit of smart different industries like electricity,
Smart charging refers to a charging for the customers: automotive, ICT and more. Smart
controlled charging process that they can plug in their car grids will enable the use of
optimises the use of the grid and without having to ask the information and communication
the available electrical energy to network operator to increase technologies in e-mobility, which
minimise additional investments the maximum power available will help to implement load
in the grid, but also to facilitate at their home delivery point. management strategies and
the integration of renewables and Instead, the electric car could reduce charging impacts. There
maximise consumer convenience. be accommodated within the are huge potential benefits, and
In this way, intelligent charging of existing power connection. it is therefore key to conceive
electric cars helps to avoid grid change simultaneously and
disturbances by making better Electric vehicles not only have proactively, in both the power and
use of available capacity and zero-tailpipe emissions, but transport sectors.
allows electric cars to contribute also offer great opportunities to
to an improved power system. promote fuel diversification and What is needed to move smart
reduce CO2 emissions. Smart charging closer to market
A key concern for network charging increases benefits as it deployment? EURELECTRIC is
operators is how to make sure can provide flexibility and move working with its members on
that the electric vehicle loads do the charging process into periods smart charging implementation
not have an excessive impact of higher renewable output, when and on defining enabling
on peak and local demand. The strong winds or sunshine lead technical and regulatory
charging of electric vehicles to peaks in renewable electricity frameworks. Customer behaviour
may affect different peaks and production. By using this energy will also have to change to
locations in the power system to charge electric cars, smart fully make the most of all the
– from the global level, where charging would make the most of benefits that electric vehicles
balancing between demand the available renewable resources entail. Results of this work will
and supply takes place within while reducing the stress on the be presented in a ‘Talking smart
frequency levels, down to the system that variable renewable grids’ event in Brussels, in March
local level, where voltage stability energy could otherwise entail. 2015.
and overload are at stake. In the future in a more advanced
Optimised charging can be used vehicle-to-grid scenario, electric Moreover, e-mobility and
to prevent network failures or cars could even be used to store electricity stakeholders must
power quality issues. excess power from renewables work together to ensure a
and supply it back to the grid standardised exchange of data
But the benefits of smart charging during periods of high demand. and information so that electric
go beyond utilities and the The ability of electric vehicles to vehicles are able to effectively
distribution system. Indeed, assist in balancing networks could communicate with the grid and
one of the main aims of smart reduce the use of less efficient avoid unnecessary and stranded
charging is to maximise consumer “peaking” plants, thus increasing investments. Interoperability is
convenience. For instance, efficiency and minimising costs also a prerequisite to allow an
customers could benefit from for the whole power system. effective charging management
cheaper energy if they allow a process to take place. Only
certain amount of flexibility in the Finally, electric cars, as ‘batteries by working together can all
charging process, say by charging on four wheels’ will become an stakeholders benefit from the
overnight when electricity integral part of the power system opportunities of electric vehicles
consumption is generally low. of tomorrow. This differentiates and their effective and intelligent
Time-of-use tariffs or dynamic them from conventional cars: integration into the power system. l
to the negative and the positive pricing will allow them to charge they are not just cleaner and
scenario is the same: smart their cars at lower cost. more energy efficient, but also
charging. able to connect key links across
Another key benefit of smart different industries like electricity,
Smart charging refers to a charging for the customers: automotive, ICT and more. Smart
controlled charging process that they can plug in their car grids will enable the use of
optimises the use of the grid and without having to ask the information and communication
the available electrical energy to network operator to increase technologies in e-mobility, which
minimise additional investments the maximum power available will help to implement load
in the grid, but also to facilitate at their home delivery point. management strategies and
the integration of renewables and Instead, the electric car could reduce charging impacts. There
maximise consumer convenience. be accommodated within the are huge potential benefits, and
In this way, intelligent charging of existing power connection. it is therefore key to conceive
electric cars helps to avoid grid change simultaneously and
disturbances by making better Electric vehicles not only have proactively, in both the power and
use of available capacity and zero-tailpipe emissions, but transport sectors.
allows electric cars to contribute also offer great opportunities to
to an improved power system. promote fuel diversification and What is needed to move smart
reduce CO2 emissions. Smart charging closer to market
A key concern for network charging increases benefits as it deployment? EURELECTRIC is
operators is how to make sure can provide flexibility and move working with its members on
that the electric vehicle loads do the charging process into periods smart charging implementation
not have an excessive impact of higher renewable output, when and on defining enabling
on peak and local demand. The strong winds or sunshine lead technical and regulatory
charging of electric vehicles to peaks in renewable electricity frameworks. Customer behaviour
may affect different peaks and production. By using this energy will also have to change to
locations in the power system to charge electric cars, smart fully make the most of all the
– from the global level, where charging would make the most of benefits that electric vehicles
balancing between demand the available renewable resources entail. Results of this work will
and supply takes place within while reducing the stress on the be presented in a ‘Talking smart
frequency levels, down to the system that variable renewable grids’ event in Brussels, in March
local level, where voltage stability energy could otherwise entail. 2015.
and overload are at stake. In the future in a more advanced
Optimised charging can be used vehicle-to-grid scenario, electric Moreover, e-mobility and
to prevent network failures or cars could even be used to store electricity stakeholders must
power quality issues. excess power from renewables work together to ensure a
and supply it back to the grid standardised exchange of data
But the benefits of smart charging during periods of high demand. and information so that electric
go beyond utilities and the The ability of electric vehicles to vehicles are able to effectively
distribution system. Indeed, assist in balancing networks could communicate with the grid and
one of the main aims of smart reduce the use of less efficient avoid unnecessary and stranded
charging is to maximise consumer “peaking” plants, thus increasing investments. Interoperability is
convenience. For instance, efficiency and minimising costs also a prerequisite to allow an
customers could benefit from for the whole power system. effective charging management
cheaper energy if they allow a process to take place. Only
certain amount of flexibility in the Finally, electric cars, as ‘batteries by working together can all
charging process, say by charging on four wheels’ will become an stakeholders benefit from the
overnight when electricity integral part of the power system opportunities of electric vehicles
consumption is generally low. of tomorrow. This differentiates and their effective and intelligent
Time-of-use tariffs or dynamic them from conventional cars: integration into the power system. l