Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 56
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
ESTRELIA project successfully
Increased performance of building elements at reduced costs for energy storage in FEVs now available
Ewald Wachmann, project coordinator reliability and safety at lowered cell voltage. Cells which are
costs for smart energy storage below target will either cyclically
High costs together with for FEVs. This is accomplished by receive charge packages from
concerns for driving proposing a modular approach an isolated DCDC converter or,
range, reliability with ultra capacitor power packs optionally, cells above target
and safety have with higher density with 50% will cyclically be discharged
been the main hindrance for energy advantage. by an external resistor through
market adaption of full electrical integrated switches in an
vehicles (FEVs). ESTRELIA was Cycling test of the power pack autonomous way.
an EU funded project where 9 consisting of the new ultra
strong partners worked on the capacitors supplied by Corning KEY FEATURES
major goal to provide increased and the Li-Ion energy pack • Simultaneous cell voltage
performance of building elements provided by E4V have shown
at reduced costs for energy that high current power demand capture for balancing and SOA
storage in FEVs. The project can be overtaken by the ultra monitoring
outcome provides cost efficient capacitors and thus relieving • Autonomous balancing and
solutions to set industry standards the Li-Ion battery which can be SOA monitoring strongly
and mass production monitored by lower thermal reduces data communication
stress. and data processing and
The ESTRELIA platform which thereby improves EMC
has been developed during A new BMS ICs AS8506 based robustness
the last 42 months enables a on a new concept in the HV- • Active charge balancing with
significant advancement of technology enhances also the very few external components
the technology capabilities for modularity of Li-Ion batteries as for good efficiency and little
battery management systems energy packs. For the first time heat dissipation.
design: ESTRELIA provides provide a flexible active cell • Absolute cell voltage readout
building blocks with enhanced balancing chip set also suited for for OCV capture and cell
the high accuracy demanding impedance calculation.
monitoring of Li-Ion batteries. The Readout of 2 temperature
AS8506 Cell Monitor and Cell sensors
Balancer IC enables autonomous
cell balancing, simultaneous KEY BENEFITS
cell voltage comparison and • recover capacity loss of
simplified readout of cells all
in a robust, simple and small batteries, increase operating
solution. The AS8506 features time, as well as improve overall
simultaneous cell voltage system run time.
comparison with upper and • tremendously reduced
lower threshold, active- or communication saving costs
optionally passive cell balancing in the system and making the
by simultaneous comparison of system more reliable
actual cell voltages with a target • active balancing is possible
as an as an energy efficient
ESTRELIA project successfully
Increased performance of building elements at reduced costs for energy storage in FEVs now available
Ewald Wachmann, project coordinator reliability and safety at lowered cell voltage. Cells which are
costs for smart energy storage below target will either cyclically
High costs together with for FEVs. This is accomplished by receive charge packages from
concerns for driving proposing a modular approach an isolated DCDC converter or,
range, reliability with ultra capacitor power packs optionally, cells above target
and safety have with higher density with 50% will cyclically be discharged
been the main hindrance for energy advantage. by an external resistor through
market adaption of full electrical integrated switches in an
vehicles (FEVs). ESTRELIA was Cycling test of the power pack autonomous way.
an EU funded project where 9 consisting of the new ultra
strong partners worked on the capacitors supplied by Corning KEY FEATURES
major goal to provide increased and the Li-Ion energy pack • Simultaneous cell voltage
performance of building elements provided by E4V have shown
at reduced costs for energy that high current power demand capture for balancing and SOA
storage in FEVs. The project can be overtaken by the ultra monitoring
outcome provides cost efficient capacitors and thus relieving • Autonomous balancing and
solutions to set industry standards the Li-Ion battery which can be SOA monitoring strongly
and mass production monitored by lower thermal reduces data communication
stress. and data processing and
The ESTRELIA platform which thereby improves EMC
has been developed during A new BMS ICs AS8506 based robustness
the last 42 months enables a on a new concept in the HV- • Active charge balancing with
significant advancement of technology enhances also the very few external components
the technology capabilities for modularity of Li-Ion batteries as for good efficiency and little
battery management systems energy packs. For the first time heat dissipation.
design: ESTRELIA provides provide a flexible active cell • Absolute cell voltage readout
building blocks with enhanced balancing chip set also suited for for OCV capture and cell
the high accuracy demanding impedance calculation.
monitoring of Li-Ion batteries. The Readout of 2 temperature
AS8506 Cell Monitor and Cell sensors
Balancer IC enables autonomous
cell balancing, simultaneous KEY BENEFITS
cell voltage comparison and • recover capacity loss of
simplified readout of cells all
in a robust, simple and small batteries, increase operating
solution. The AS8506 features time, as well as improve overall
simultaneous cell voltage system run time.
comparison with upper and • tremendously reduced
lower threshold, active- or communication saving costs
optionally passive cell balancing in the system and making the
by simultaneous comparison of system more reliable
actual cell voltages with a target • active balancing is possible
as an as an energy efficient