Page 78 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 78
78 Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
RES installed capacity
8000 CSP
MW 6000 Small hydro
4000 PV
Actual NREAP
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2020
Figure 1. RES-E installed capacity per technology from 2010 to 2020
to be as high in the following roadmap to 2030 and the policies, the actual penetration
years. In view of streamlining the assessment of the national energy of specific RES technologies in
support scheme for the ongoing mix. the last years, the development
promotion of RES and taking into of investment costs for all RES
account the state aid guidelines, As regards energy efficiency, it technologies, as well as the
a process for the reformation of is expected to exhibit significant consequences of the economic
the support scheme for electricity improvement in the following recession both in shaping the
from RES is currently in progress. years, which will stem from the energy demand of end use
Alongside, actions are taken to implementation of a planned set sectors and in the investing
ensure the enhancement of the of targeted measures. environment.
transmission and distribution
system and to remove all barriers These mainly focus on the energy The top priority and objective of
related to the licensing procedure upgrade of buildings that will be the Greek energy policy remains
so that greater penetration of RES further supported through new finding, securing and managing
is enabled. market mechanisms and financial the most appropriate sources
support tools. The national energy of energy supply, in order to
Moreover, the targets set for the policy seeks to develop a smart ensure a safe, smooth, seamless
penetration of renewable energy system for the management of and reliable coverage of the
in the national energy system in energy production and demand, country’s energy needs in the
2020 may have to be revised in which will be expected to future and taking into account the
the near future, in the framework contribute to the implementation protection of the Greek citizens
of the upcoming national energy of the country’s energy and economy.
Contact details: The Centre for Renewable Energy
The new planning, in view of the Sources and Saving (CRES) is
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving urgent need for a more cost- the Greek national entity for the
19th km Marathonos Ave, effective energy mix, will consider, promotion of renewable energy
19009, Pikermi Attiki Greece among others, the degree of sources, rational use of energy
Tel: +30 210 6603323 effectiveness of implemented and energy conservation. ●
RES installed capacity
8000 CSP
MW 6000 Small hydro
4000 PV
Actual NREAP
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2020
Figure 1. RES-E installed capacity per technology from 2010 to 2020
to be as high in the following roadmap to 2030 and the policies, the actual penetration
years. In view of streamlining the assessment of the national energy of specific RES technologies in
support scheme for the ongoing mix. the last years, the development
promotion of RES and taking into of investment costs for all RES
account the state aid guidelines, As regards energy efficiency, it technologies, as well as the
a process for the reformation of is expected to exhibit significant consequences of the economic
the support scheme for electricity improvement in the following recession both in shaping the
from RES is currently in progress. years, which will stem from the energy demand of end use
Alongside, actions are taken to implementation of a planned set sectors and in the investing
ensure the enhancement of the of targeted measures. environment.
transmission and distribution
system and to remove all barriers These mainly focus on the energy The top priority and objective of
related to the licensing procedure upgrade of buildings that will be the Greek energy policy remains
so that greater penetration of RES further supported through new finding, securing and managing
is enabled. market mechanisms and financial the most appropriate sources
support tools. The national energy of energy supply, in order to
Moreover, the targets set for the policy seeks to develop a smart ensure a safe, smooth, seamless
penetration of renewable energy system for the management of and reliable coverage of the
in the national energy system in energy production and demand, country’s energy needs in the
2020 may have to be revised in which will be expected to future and taking into account the
the near future, in the framework contribute to the implementation protection of the Greek citizens
of the upcoming national energy of the country’s energy and economy.
Contact details: The Centre for Renewable Energy
The new planning, in view of the Sources and Saving (CRES) is
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving urgent need for a more cost- the Greek national entity for the
19th km Marathonos Ave, effective energy mix, will consider, promotion of renewable energy
19009, Pikermi Attiki Greece among others, the degree of sources, rational use of energy
Tel: +30 210 6603323 effectiveness of implemented and energy conservation. ●