Page 74 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 74
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
features that maximize its notably the citizen gets in contact of implementation, 2.500 new
effectiveness: Interventions have with the bank of his/her choice jobs are created annually.
to be chosen from a list that an and then all the process for
Energy Inspector draws, while financing the project is managed Finally, processing the data
their completion has to also be by the bank. already collected, some
certified by an Energy Inspector. conclusions can be drawn as to
The provision for ex-ante and In order to maximize the program’s effectiveness and
ex-post Energy Inspections effectiveness, the program application characteristics. The
ensures that interventions are has been designed so that it size of the average household
materialized in a sound and addresses primarily energy- participating is 106 square meters,
optimal way, since they are not devouring buildings. A average cost of intervention
left to the owner’s discretion prerequisite for eligibility is cost 10,000, average grant 53%
but are under the guidance of improvement by one energy of cost and average annual
appropriate specialists. It also class or energy savings by 30% primary energy consumption
allows for the establishment of of the reference building. On the reduction 42%. The majority of the
a database by collecting data other hand, specific interventions applications concern buildings,
as to the effect of the program, are considered eligible, such as certified in the H class; therefore it
valuable for assessing overall replacement of existing frames has covered primarily high-energy
energy targets and future (windows, doors),shading consuming buildings.
design of energy efficiency systems, installation of heat
interventions. The involvement insulation, burner/boiler upgrade, Before closing, some comments
of the Inspector is also useful, in solar water heating, automatic should be made as to the process
assisting beneficiaries to prepare heating controls. of designing and setting up
the necessary documentation. the program, in terms of the
For simplification of the process, The program “Energy Saving experience gained from its
payment for the interventions is at Home” is an important tool implementation. First, it should
directly made to the technicians for energy upgrade of existing be mentioned that after its first
performing them. For a wide buildings, with direct benefit to launch, citizen’s response was not
coverage of beneficiaries, citizens, but also to employment as expected, thus a revision of the
maximum Eligible Budget per and the economy. A feature terms had to be effected twice. It
application is 15.000 €. of energy interventions in reduced bureaucracy, extended
buildings is that they involve the criteria of eligibility and
The program set-up, from a significant local added increased the amount of direct
the State’s side, has also value. Building materials and granting. Even though these
the interesting feature that equipment are almost exclusively changes resulted to a tremendous
private banks have a direct produced locally, while building increase of interest by the citizens
involvement and participation. interventions are relatively work (to the point that the eligible
They contribute two thirds of the intensive, needing engineering applications today require
funds for loans, the remaining and construction work. Therefore, funding beyond the originally
one third being contributed buildings energy interventions assigned), the experience of
by State structural funds, constitute a pillar of the program’s implementation shows
managed by ETEAN (Hellenic construction sector, which may that further improvements are
Fund for Enterpeneurship and be very significant in times of an possible and feasible, to make
Development). The part of the economic crisis, when primary the it more accessible and
State constitutes a “revolving construction is badly hit. The data increase its scope of application.
fund”, as the amount lent to collected from implementation Currently, the extension of the
beneficiaries is returned to the so far, allow concrete estimations program to the forthcoming Fund
fund after repayment. The banks of such effects. For example, it is Management Period is under
manage the citizen’s applications, estimated that at the current rate elaboration. l
features that maximize its notably the citizen gets in contact of implementation, 2.500 new
effectiveness: Interventions have with the bank of his/her choice jobs are created annually.
to be chosen from a list that an and then all the process for
Energy Inspector draws, while financing the project is managed Finally, processing the data
their completion has to also be by the bank. already collected, some
certified by an Energy Inspector. conclusions can be drawn as to
The provision for ex-ante and In order to maximize the program’s effectiveness and
ex-post Energy Inspections effectiveness, the program application characteristics. The
ensures that interventions are has been designed so that it size of the average household
materialized in a sound and addresses primarily energy- participating is 106 square meters,
optimal way, since they are not devouring buildings. A average cost of intervention
left to the owner’s discretion prerequisite for eligibility is cost 10,000, average grant 53%
but are under the guidance of improvement by one energy of cost and average annual
appropriate specialists. It also class or energy savings by 30% primary energy consumption
allows for the establishment of of the reference building. On the reduction 42%. The majority of the
a database by collecting data other hand, specific interventions applications concern buildings,
as to the effect of the program, are considered eligible, such as certified in the H class; therefore it
valuable for assessing overall replacement of existing frames has covered primarily high-energy
energy targets and future (windows, doors),shading consuming buildings.
design of energy efficiency systems, installation of heat
interventions. The involvement insulation, burner/boiler upgrade, Before closing, some comments
of the Inspector is also useful, in solar water heating, automatic should be made as to the process
assisting beneficiaries to prepare heating controls. of designing and setting up
the necessary documentation. the program, in terms of the
For simplification of the process, The program “Energy Saving experience gained from its
payment for the interventions is at Home” is an important tool implementation. First, it should
directly made to the technicians for energy upgrade of existing be mentioned that after its first
performing them. For a wide buildings, with direct benefit to launch, citizen’s response was not
coverage of beneficiaries, citizens, but also to employment as expected, thus a revision of the
maximum Eligible Budget per and the economy. A feature terms had to be effected twice. It
application is 15.000 €. of energy interventions in reduced bureaucracy, extended
buildings is that they involve the criteria of eligibility and
The program set-up, from a significant local added increased the amount of direct
the State’s side, has also value. Building materials and granting. Even though these
the interesting feature that equipment are almost exclusively changes resulted to a tremendous
private banks have a direct produced locally, while building increase of interest by the citizens
involvement and participation. interventions are relatively work (to the point that the eligible
They contribute two thirds of the intensive, needing engineering applications today require
funds for loans, the remaining and construction work. Therefore, funding beyond the originally
one third being contributed buildings energy interventions assigned), the experience of
by State structural funds, constitute a pillar of the program’s implementation shows
managed by ETEAN (Hellenic construction sector, which may that further improvements are
Fund for Enterpeneurship and be very significant in times of an possible and feasible, to make
Development). The part of the economic crisis, when primary the it more accessible and
State constitutes a “revolving construction is badly hit. The data increase its scope of application.
fund”, as the amount lent to collected from implementation Currently, the extension of the
beneficiaries is returned to the so far, allow concrete estimations program to the forthcoming Fund
fund after repayment. The banks of such effects. For example, it is Management Period is under
manage the citizen’s applications, estimated that at the current rate elaboration. l