Page 70 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 70
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
By Frédéric Vergels, Organiser EEVC 2014
DEVELOPMENT OVER THE LAST Bush administration that came types of mobility. The issues
15 YEARS on the power in 2000 reshaped involved are the overall benefits,
When I joined AVERE, the the Act, so that its objectives peoples’ choices and the length
European Association of Battery, became vague and incoherent. of the journeys involved: short,
Hybrid and Fuel Cell, Electric All the OEMs reduced their medium and long distances.
Vehicles Secretary General, in efforts towards the development
1997, there was a real enthusiasm of electric cars. The story of In the short-term, I feel that urban
for electric vehicles. The California “who killed the electric car?” was mobility will become more and
Clean Air Act had just been debated in the US and in Europe, more electric. Both for persons,
issued and required the car and there was much less real will for which we see more and
manufacturers to have at least to put EVs on the market. more small dedicated vehicles
10% of their annual production entering the market, and goods,
alternative fuel-propelled by For the next 5 to 7 years, all the for which authorities are now
2000. At that time GM had efforts were dedicated to the realizing the freight platform
launched the EV1 and PSA was development of fuel cell vehicles. logistics completed with electric
inaugurating a new assembly line However, concerns have rapidly delivery vans and electric vehicles
dedicated to the 106 electric. arisen regarding the costs of are a solution that combines
Everybody was very optimistic for the technology and on the real mobility, silence, protection of
the future. impact on the environment. Life the environment and cultural
Cycle Analysis has showed that for heritage.
Unfortunately, under the pressure fuel cell technology, being pure
from the petroleum lobby, the electric is much less polluting For medium distance journeys,
on a global level. In parallel, hybrid and plug-in hybrid
under the pressure of the “Prius” vehicles will become more and
phenomenon, there was a lot of more popular, while for long
research into hybrid vehicles too. distances, especially for goods
transport, I see no alternative that
Since 2009, mainly because of the traditional gasoil [known as
public opinion becoming more diesel in some member states -
and more concerned by the Editor] On this last point, I feel
climate change issue, and the rise I should mention the Tesla EV
in the oil price, together with the and the development of their
problem of energy dependency, Supercharger network. Last
authorities started again to Spring I drove one ModelS from
promote the development of Stavanger in Norway to Paris, a
alternative fuelled vehicles. trip of nearly 1800 Kms in two
Research and Developments days with no problems!
efforts were thus again focused
on production and this leads to THE DIFFERENCES IN THE EV
the series of new Electric Vehicles MARKET IN CHINA, JAPAN,
that are now entering the market. EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA
MAJOR TRENDS IN ELECTRIC The major differences are both
MOBILITY cultural and geographical.
I feel we should make the
distinction between different The Chinese market is growing
By Frédéric Vergels, Organiser EEVC 2014
DEVELOPMENT OVER THE LAST Bush administration that came types of mobility. The issues
15 YEARS on the power in 2000 reshaped involved are the overall benefits,
When I joined AVERE, the the Act, so that its objectives peoples’ choices and the length
European Association of Battery, became vague and incoherent. of the journeys involved: short,
Hybrid and Fuel Cell, Electric All the OEMs reduced their medium and long distances.
Vehicles Secretary General, in efforts towards the development
1997, there was a real enthusiasm of electric cars. The story of In the short-term, I feel that urban
for electric vehicles. The California “who killed the electric car?” was mobility will become more and
Clean Air Act had just been debated in the US and in Europe, more electric. Both for persons,
issued and required the car and there was much less real will for which we see more and
manufacturers to have at least to put EVs on the market. more small dedicated vehicles
10% of their annual production entering the market, and goods,
alternative fuel-propelled by For the next 5 to 7 years, all the for which authorities are now
2000. At that time GM had efforts were dedicated to the realizing the freight platform
launched the EV1 and PSA was development of fuel cell vehicles. logistics completed with electric
inaugurating a new assembly line However, concerns have rapidly delivery vans and electric vehicles
dedicated to the 106 electric. arisen regarding the costs of are a solution that combines
Everybody was very optimistic for the technology and on the real mobility, silence, protection of
the future. impact on the environment. Life the environment and cultural
Cycle Analysis has showed that for heritage.
Unfortunately, under the pressure fuel cell technology, being pure
from the petroleum lobby, the electric is much less polluting For medium distance journeys,
on a global level. In parallel, hybrid and plug-in hybrid
under the pressure of the “Prius” vehicles will become more and
phenomenon, there was a lot of more popular, while for long
research into hybrid vehicles too. distances, especially for goods
transport, I see no alternative that
Since 2009, mainly because of the traditional gasoil [known as
public opinion becoming more diesel in some member states -
and more concerned by the Editor] On this last point, I feel
climate change issue, and the rise I should mention the Tesla EV
in the oil price, together with the and the development of their
problem of energy dependency, Supercharger network. Last
authorities started again to Spring I drove one ModelS from
promote the development of Stavanger in Norway to Paris, a
alternative fuelled vehicles. trip of nearly 1800 Kms in two
Research and Developments days with no problems!
efforts were thus again focused
on production and this leads to THE DIFFERENCES IN THE EV
the series of new Electric Vehicles MARKET IN CHINA, JAPAN,
that are now entering the market. EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA
MAJOR TRENDS IN ELECTRIC The major differences are both
MOBILITY cultural and geographical.
I feel we should make the
distinction between different The Chinese market is growing