Page 71 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 71
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 71
very fast. It seems that almost market introduction. EEVC aims EEVC ATTRACTS INCREASING
every day, new actors are therefore at providing such an INTEREST
entering the sector. The products arena by gathering the different I have organized conferences
are focused on urban vehicles, actors, from industry, research in this field for a long time
due to the fact that most of institutes, NGOs and public and I think I always manage
the trips are inner-city. For the authorities. to give them a “special touch”,
moment, the demand is such appreciated by delegates. In
that the Chinese manufacturers The Congress is a unique order to set-up a coherent and
only respond to their domestic opportunity to meet top decision informative programme, as well
market. However, they are makers as well as representatives as to attract good speakers, you
gaining expertise and will attack of all the major related European need to know the field you are
other markets sooner or later. Associations, who will also share dealing with. In my opinion, too
Let’s hope that, at that time, we their vision there and seek ways may conferences are organized
will be ready to compete! to develop synergies to foster the by event companies who have no
development of eMobility. intrinsic knowledge of the issues
The European and Japanese their conferences are dealing
markets and approach are more Too often, Congresses and with.
similar. Pure electric vehicles will Conferences deliver no real
cohabit with hybrids since the output. Here, at the closing Anyway, to me, as I said earlier,
needs for are both for short or session, we intend to present one of the major differences is
mid distances. a summary of the discussions, that we have the entire value
with recommendations for a chain represented at EEVC. The
Last, the North America market is faster introduction of electric other thing is that we hold it in
different because of the fact that vehicles. It will be aimed at the Brussels. It is extremely important
the daily trips are much longer. European Authorities, but also that European Authorities and
There, again with the exception to the Regions. I think these industry collaborate over medium
of Tesla, I see hybrids taking the latter are too often forgotten and long term in bringing
lead while, obviously light electric in the discussions and that this transportation into this new
vehicles will continue to expand is a mistake because they are electric drive era.
in places like resorts. large enough to be addressed.
Close enough to the cities, for The European dimension is really
THE EEVC 2014 which developing incentives and represented at EEVC. For example
When attending congresses policies for market introduction we are organizing the now
on electric vehicles I am always are really important, and large already famous EU Project Day on
surprised that they are generally enough to have a valid voice at eMobility providing a complete
dedicated to only one aspect of national or even supra-national overview of the different
the whole transport issue. level. Furthermore, Regions also programs and related projects
represent entities which are supported by the European
My point of view is that the issue homogenous both in cultural and Authorities and fostering the
is global, and it is very important geographic terms. development of eMobility.
to develop an arena where
everyone’s needs and constraints As you will have seen from the This year, EEVC takes places
are well understood by everyone programme, lessons learned, best at a time when the European
else. This is the only way to make practices, infrastructure, barriers Commission will launch new
sure that the most appropriate and market requirements will be related call for projects. This will
products and technologies for hot topics. All of them are issues therefore be a unique opportunity
Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell to be analyzed for a fast market to identify possible actions,
Electric Vehicles are selected for introduction of the technology. overlaps, synergies and/or gaps. l
very fast. It seems that almost market introduction. EEVC aims EEVC ATTRACTS INCREASING
every day, new actors are therefore at providing such an INTEREST
entering the sector. The products arena by gathering the different I have organized conferences
are focused on urban vehicles, actors, from industry, research in this field for a long time
due to the fact that most of institutes, NGOs and public and I think I always manage
the trips are inner-city. For the authorities. to give them a “special touch”,
moment, the demand is such appreciated by delegates. In
that the Chinese manufacturers The Congress is a unique order to set-up a coherent and
only respond to their domestic opportunity to meet top decision informative programme, as well
market. However, they are makers as well as representatives as to attract good speakers, you
gaining expertise and will attack of all the major related European need to know the field you are
other markets sooner or later. Associations, who will also share dealing with. In my opinion, too
Let’s hope that, at that time, we their vision there and seek ways may conferences are organized
will be ready to compete! to develop synergies to foster the by event companies who have no
development of eMobility. intrinsic knowledge of the issues
The European and Japanese their conferences are dealing
markets and approach are more Too often, Congresses and with.
similar. Pure electric vehicles will Conferences deliver no real
cohabit with hybrids since the output. Here, at the closing Anyway, to me, as I said earlier,
needs for are both for short or session, we intend to present one of the major differences is
mid distances. a summary of the discussions, that we have the entire value
with recommendations for a chain represented at EEVC. The
Last, the North America market is faster introduction of electric other thing is that we hold it in
different because of the fact that vehicles. It will be aimed at the Brussels. It is extremely important
the daily trips are much longer. European Authorities, but also that European Authorities and
There, again with the exception to the Regions. I think these industry collaborate over medium
of Tesla, I see hybrids taking the latter are too often forgotten and long term in bringing
lead while, obviously light electric in the discussions and that this transportation into this new
vehicles will continue to expand is a mistake because they are electric drive era.
in places like resorts. large enough to be addressed.
Close enough to the cities, for The European dimension is really
THE EEVC 2014 which developing incentives and represented at EEVC. For example
When attending congresses policies for market introduction we are organizing the now
on electric vehicles I am always are really important, and large already famous EU Project Day on
surprised that they are generally enough to have a valid voice at eMobility providing a complete
dedicated to only one aspect of national or even supra-national overview of the different
the whole transport issue. level. Furthermore, Regions also programs and related projects
represent entities which are supported by the European
My point of view is that the issue homogenous both in cultural and Authorities and fostering the
is global, and it is very important geographic terms. development of eMobility.
to develop an arena where
everyone’s needs and constraints As you will have seen from the This year, EEVC takes places
are well understood by everyone programme, lessons learned, best at a time when the European
else. This is the only way to make practices, infrastructure, barriers Commission will launch new
sure that the most appropriate and market requirements will be related call for projects. This will
products and technologies for hot topics. All of them are issues therefore be a unique opportunity
Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell to be analyzed for a fast market to identify possible actions,
Electric Vehicles are selected for introduction of the technology. overlaps, synergies and/or gaps. l