Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 65
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 65
The driving force of SHC to assess their potential. Our on fuel cells, initiate studies and
is to explore hybrid activities make us one of the analyses on this increasingly
and electric propulsion stakeholders in national and important technology and convey
systems, find the best international discussions within the results.
technical solutions and analyse the electric and hybrid vehicle
the subsystems. We finance area. SHARING AND SPREADING
industry relevant research carried KNOWLEDGE
out within the centre, and conduct A CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND Sharing knowledge is just
studies of different hybrid and COLLABORATION as important as building the
electric vehicle technologies Our research concentrates on knowledge itself. To create
four important areas: System room for the exchange of
studies and tools, Electrical ideas, SHC regularly arranges
machines and drives, Energy workshops within our fields of
storage and Vehicle analysis. The competence and disseminate
projects that we finance cover findings from research projects
the different aspects of electric and investigations through
and hybrid vehicle technology, seminars and lectures. We also
ranging from the vehicle in give courses in electric and hybrid
relation to its environment, over vehicle technologies, intended
such topics as diagnosis and for doctoral students and for the
energy management, integrated industry.
charging, safety and charging
infrastructure, down to details in PROMOTING INTERACTION
the cells of lithium ion batteries. AND EXCHANGE
We manage a national doctoral SHC involves five technical
student network and finance a universities and three Swedish
number of doctoral students to automotive manufacturers. By
provide industry and academia facilitating a network, including
with competence. specialists from industry and
academia as well as doctoral
Keeping pace with global students, we build a common
progress, SHC hosts a daily competence base for our
newsletter for Swedish authorities, partners. Linking related research
industry and academia, which projects together, we promote
covers the international cooperation and exchange of
development of hybrid and knowledge across disciplines
electric vehicles. In addition, we and workplaces and highlight the
synchronise Swedish research shared interests of our partners. l
SHC’s partners are leading Swedish vehicle manufacturers and
technical universities.
SHC is financed by its partners and by the Swedish Energy Agency.
The driving force of SHC to assess their potential. Our on fuel cells, initiate studies and
is to explore hybrid activities make us one of the analyses on this increasingly
and electric propulsion stakeholders in national and important technology and convey
systems, find the best international discussions within the results.
technical solutions and analyse the electric and hybrid vehicle
the subsystems. We finance area. SHARING AND SPREADING
industry relevant research carried KNOWLEDGE
out within the centre, and conduct A CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND Sharing knowledge is just
studies of different hybrid and COLLABORATION as important as building the
electric vehicle technologies Our research concentrates on knowledge itself. To create
four important areas: System room for the exchange of
studies and tools, Electrical ideas, SHC regularly arranges
machines and drives, Energy workshops within our fields of
storage and Vehicle analysis. The competence and disseminate
projects that we finance cover findings from research projects
the different aspects of electric and investigations through
and hybrid vehicle technology, seminars and lectures. We also
ranging from the vehicle in give courses in electric and hybrid
relation to its environment, over vehicle technologies, intended
such topics as diagnosis and for doctoral students and for the
energy management, integrated industry.
charging, safety and charging
infrastructure, down to details in PROMOTING INTERACTION
the cells of lithium ion batteries. AND EXCHANGE
We manage a national doctoral SHC involves five technical
student network and finance a universities and three Swedish
number of doctoral students to automotive manufacturers. By
provide industry and academia facilitating a network, including
with competence. specialists from industry and
academia as well as doctoral
Keeping pace with global students, we build a common
progress, SHC hosts a daily competence base for our
newsletter for Swedish authorities, partners. Linking related research
industry and academia, which projects together, we promote
covers the international cooperation and exchange of
development of hybrid and knowledge across disciplines
electric vehicles. In addition, we and workplaces and highlight the
synchronise Swedish research shared interests of our partners. l
SHC’s partners are leading Swedish vehicle manufacturers and
technical universities.
SHC is financed by its partners and by the Swedish Energy Agency.