Page 62 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 62
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation
Batteries and e-mobility:
inseparable twins
Alfons Westgeest, EUROBAT Energy is a key As reported in its 2011 White
requirement for modern Paper Roadmap to a Single
societies; it keeps lights European Transport Area –
on, brings transportation Towards a competitive and
and enables the production of resource efficient transport
goods. However the balance system2, the European Union
of supply and demand is is committed to reduce CO2
increasingly challenging. Several emissions from the transport
battery technologies are available sector by 60% by 2050 compared
and can contribute to low carbon to 1990 level. Batteries have
solutions and a sustainable future a fundamental role to play in
in Europe. this transition, and can respond
to the different needs and
Europe relies heavily on external demands of a transport sector
sources for imports of gas and with an increased degree of
oil; the transition to greener, hybridization and electrification.
independent and sustainable The various types of batteries
energy system is an absolute used in vehicles include lead,
need. lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride
and sodium-nickel chloride;
In October the European Council each of them has different
decided the principles on chemistries and characteristics.
the 2030 Climate and Energy Batteries can bring significant
Package 2030. The ambition is benefits to the performance and
a shift to renewables, with more energy efficiency of traditional
and more European electricity combustion engine vehicles,
being generated by wind while they are at the core of
turbines, hydroelectric power, vehicles with a high degree of
solar energy, and other forms of electrification.
renewable energy. At the same
time, green electricity could Advanced lead-based batteries
gradually reduce fossil fuels in are fundamental for vehicles with
the transport sector. This long initial levels of electrification,
term transition could benefit the whereby conventional
environment, reduce Europe´s combustion engine vehicles are
dependency on import of fossil supplemented with start-stop
fuels but also create jobs and and micro-hybrid technologies,
growth: according to “Fuelling which thanks to innovation and
Europe´s future”, a 2014 report development can improve overall
issued by the European Climate efficiency and performance. Not
Foundation based on economic only is this battery technology
impact studies and the input used for SLI functions to power a
of various stakeholders and vehicle’s starter motor, lighting,
research institutes. The report and ignition system but also
forecasts that up to 1.1 million providing power to the vehicle’s
net additional jobs could be increasingly demanding on-
generated by 2030 if this board electronics. Advanced
transition will take place1. lead-based batteries now provide
Batteries and e-mobility:
inseparable twins
Alfons Westgeest, EUROBAT Energy is a key As reported in its 2011 White
requirement for modern Paper Roadmap to a Single
societies; it keeps lights European Transport Area –
on, brings transportation Towards a competitive and
and enables the production of resource efficient transport
goods. However the balance system2, the European Union
of supply and demand is is committed to reduce CO2
increasingly challenging. Several emissions from the transport
battery technologies are available sector by 60% by 2050 compared
and can contribute to low carbon to 1990 level. Batteries have
solutions and a sustainable future a fundamental role to play in
in Europe. this transition, and can respond
to the different needs and
Europe relies heavily on external demands of a transport sector
sources for imports of gas and with an increased degree of
oil; the transition to greener, hybridization and electrification.
independent and sustainable The various types of batteries
energy system is an absolute used in vehicles include lead,
need. lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride
and sodium-nickel chloride;
In October the European Council each of them has different
decided the principles on chemistries and characteristics.
the 2030 Climate and Energy Batteries can bring significant
Package 2030. The ambition is benefits to the performance and
a shift to renewables, with more energy efficiency of traditional
and more European electricity combustion engine vehicles,
being generated by wind while they are at the core of
turbines, hydroelectric power, vehicles with a high degree of
solar energy, and other forms of electrification.
renewable energy. At the same
time, green electricity could Advanced lead-based batteries
gradually reduce fossil fuels in are fundamental for vehicles with
the transport sector. This long initial levels of electrification,
term transition could benefit the whereby conventional
environment, reduce Europe´s combustion engine vehicles are
dependency on import of fossil supplemented with start-stop
fuels but also create jobs and and micro-hybrid technologies,
growth: according to “Fuelling which thanks to innovation and
Europe´s future”, a 2014 report development can improve overall
issued by the European Climate efficiency and performance. Not
Foundation based on economic only is this battery technology
impact studies and the input used for SLI functions to power a
of various stakeholders and vehicle’s starter motor, lighting,
research institutes. The report and ignition system but also
forecasts that up to 1.1 million providing power to the vehicle’s
net additional jobs could be increasingly demanding on-
generated by 2030 if this board electronics. Advanced
transition will take place1. lead-based batteries now provide