Page 63 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 63
Winter 2014 European Energy Innovation 63
start-stop functionality, and lifetime endurance. At the same European policy making must be
other micro-hybrid features in time, hybrid and electric vehicles coherent and support the industry
a growing proportion of new also use a 12Volt electrical system and its supply chain to increase
European vehicles, lowering their for controls, comfort features, the learning curve for all battery
fuel consumption by 5-10% as redundancy and safety features technologies. The near future
stated in a joint industry report3. which are supplied by a 12Volt benefits of such policies will
Thanks to their increased charge lead-based battery. lead to systems that can deliver
recoverability and higher deep- higher energy and power density,
cycle resistance, advanced lead- Looking ahead therefore all lifetime and charge acceptance
based batteries can also offer the above mentioned battery for full hybrid and electric
regenerative braking in micro- technologies must be able to vehicles. At the same time, fuel
hybrid and mild-hybrid vehicles, play their important role in the efficiency requirements will drive
boosting vehicle´s acceleration decarbonisation of the European improvements in advanced
with stored energy. transport sector; their differences lead-based technologies.
and their ability to cope with Overall, the performances and
For vehicles with a higher degree different technical demands competitiveness of batteries will
of electrification, batteries play are their main strengths. The improve considerably in the near
a more active role: in full-hybrid global and European markets future, playing a fundamental
vehicles (HEVs) it is additionally for start-stop and micro-hybrid role for the decarbonisation of
used for a certain range of electric vehicles are expected to increase the European transport sector
driving while in plug-in hybrid significantly over the next and the transition to a greener,
(PHEVs) and full electric vehicles decade, driving also an increased independent and sustainable
(EVs), high voltage battery demand for advanced lead- transport system. l
systems provide significant levels based batteries. Also the demand
of vehicle propulsion, either for for hybrid, plug-in hybrid and EUROBAT, the Association of European
daily trips (20-50 km) in plug-in full electric light commercial, Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers,
hybrid vehicles, or as the only buses and heavy duty vehicles acts as a unified voice in promoting the
energy source in full electric is set to increase: the continued interests of the European automotive, industrial
vehicles (100 km+). In plug-in development of advanced and special battery industries of all battery
hybrid vehicles, the battery must traction batteries (mainly chemistries. With over 47 members comprising
also provide hybrid functions lithium-ion and sodium-nickel over 90% of the automotive and industrial
when its capability for electric chloride) for hybridised and battery industry in Europe, EUROBAT also works
drive is completed. For these electrified powertrains is likely to with stakeholders to help develop a vision
classes of vehicles, nickel-metal be at the same time cause and of future battery solutions to issues of public
hydride (HEVs), lithium-ion (HEVs, consequence of this increase. interest in areas like e-Mobility and renewable
PHEvs, EVs) and sodium-nickel energy storage.
chloride batteries (heavy duty The continuation of excellent
PHEVs and EVs) are the preferred research & development in Contact details
battery technologies thanks to Europe will be made possible EUROBAT
their fast recharge capability, by retaining a strong European Avenue Jules Bordet, 142
good discharge performance and battery manufacturing industry. B-1140 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 761 1653
1 Cambridge Econometrics (CE), in collaboration with Ricardo-AEA, Element Energy etc.: Fax: +32 2 761 1699
“Fuelling Europe´s future”, p. 4. Email:
2 White Paper Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and
resource efficient transport system, COM(2011) 0144
3 EUROBAT – ACEA/JAMA/KAMA – ILA: A review of batteries for automotive applications,
2014, p. 6.
start-stop functionality, and lifetime endurance. At the same European policy making must be
other micro-hybrid features in time, hybrid and electric vehicles coherent and support the industry
a growing proportion of new also use a 12Volt electrical system and its supply chain to increase
European vehicles, lowering their for controls, comfort features, the learning curve for all battery
fuel consumption by 5-10% as redundancy and safety features technologies. The near future
stated in a joint industry report3. which are supplied by a 12Volt benefits of such policies will
Thanks to their increased charge lead-based battery. lead to systems that can deliver
recoverability and higher deep- higher energy and power density,
cycle resistance, advanced lead- Looking ahead therefore all lifetime and charge acceptance
based batteries can also offer the above mentioned battery for full hybrid and electric
regenerative braking in micro- technologies must be able to vehicles. At the same time, fuel
hybrid and mild-hybrid vehicles, play their important role in the efficiency requirements will drive
boosting vehicle´s acceleration decarbonisation of the European improvements in advanced
with stored energy. transport sector; their differences lead-based technologies.
and their ability to cope with Overall, the performances and
For vehicles with a higher degree different technical demands competitiveness of batteries will
of electrification, batteries play are their main strengths. The improve considerably in the near
a more active role: in full-hybrid global and European markets future, playing a fundamental
vehicles (HEVs) it is additionally for start-stop and micro-hybrid role for the decarbonisation of
used for a certain range of electric vehicles are expected to increase the European transport sector
driving while in plug-in hybrid significantly over the next and the transition to a greener,
(PHEVs) and full electric vehicles decade, driving also an increased independent and sustainable
(EVs), high voltage battery demand for advanced lead- transport system. l
systems provide significant levels based batteries. Also the demand
of vehicle propulsion, either for for hybrid, plug-in hybrid and EUROBAT, the Association of European
daily trips (20-50 km) in plug-in full electric light commercial, Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers,
hybrid vehicles, or as the only buses and heavy duty vehicles acts as a unified voice in promoting the
energy source in full electric is set to increase: the continued interests of the European automotive, industrial
vehicles (100 km+). In plug-in development of advanced and special battery industries of all battery
hybrid vehicles, the battery must traction batteries (mainly chemistries. With over 47 members comprising
also provide hybrid functions lithium-ion and sodium-nickel over 90% of the automotive and industrial
when its capability for electric chloride) for hybridised and battery industry in Europe, EUROBAT also works
drive is completed. For these electrified powertrains is likely to with stakeholders to help develop a vision
classes of vehicles, nickel-metal be at the same time cause and of future battery solutions to issues of public
hydride (HEVs), lithium-ion (HEVs, consequence of this increase. interest in areas like e-Mobility and renewable
PHEvs, EVs) and sodium-nickel energy storage.
chloride batteries (heavy duty The continuation of excellent
PHEVs and EVs) are the preferred research & development in Contact details
battery technologies thanks to Europe will be made possible EUROBAT
their fast recharge capability, by retaining a strong European Avenue Jules Bordet, 142
good discharge performance and battery manufacturing industry. B-1140 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 761 1653
1 Cambridge Econometrics (CE), in collaboration with Ricardo-AEA, Element Energy etc.: Fax: +32 2 761 1699
“Fuelling Europe´s future”, p. 4. Email:
2 White Paper Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and
resource efficient transport system, COM(2011) 0144
3 EUROBAT – ACEA/JAMA/KAMA – ILA: A review of batteries for automotive applications,
2014, p. 6.