Page 64 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 64
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


Building blocks for Market Design

By Patrick Clerens, Secretary General, EASE the European Association for Storage of Energy (pictured)

ENERGY STORAGE CHALLENGES conference about it. But that and other energy carriers.”
In 2009 there was no such thing regulatory framework for Energy
as a regulatory framework for Storage - which the Commission An important aspect of this
Energy Storage (ES). This is was after and why those leading
why the European Commission players created an association - is GHƓQLWLRQLVWKDWDOWKRXJKLWKDV
launched an Energy Storage still not complete. been limited to the “electricity
Task Force and why, in the vector”1, it covers all known
aftermath of this Task Force, EASE has taken a look at the energy storage technologies (and
a group of European leading current energy system and there are quite a few of them) and
players in the energy sector – regulatory framework and has is general enough to allow for
incl. manufacturers, utilities and come up with a list of hurdles the integration of innovations to
academic bodies - decided to that would need to be overcome
come together and found EASE in order to achieve the full FRPHDRVLQFHLWLVQRWGHƓQLQJ
in 2011. integration of Energy Storage and
the full realisation of its potential. VSHFLƓFVHUYLFHVZKLFKFRXOG
Since then, both the energy evolve over time. This technology
system and EASE have come ENERGY STORAGE DEFINITION agnosticism is fundamental for
a long way. Energy Storage is The basic need, in order to EASE, and we would encourage
the talk of the town – Electric create a legal framework dealing institutions and regulators alike to
Cars, PV+Storage, Empowering with Energy Storage, is to have take this same approach.
Prosumers, Smart Cities &
Management - and not a day on EU level. Without it, energy MARKET
goes by without an article or storage cannot be included in Now that we have begun to
legislation– such as the upcoming tackle this particular hurdle, it is
EU legislative “Winter Package” – time to look ahead, and a good
and no true regulatory framework place to start is the European
can even be conceived. This is Internal Energy Market (IEM),
why EASE worked over a year the completion of which can be
considered paramount for the
WRFUHDWHDGHƓQLWLRQWKDWLV full integration and realisation of
accepted by all stakeholders energy storage. The creation of a
and has been shared with
encouraging them to either show the variety of applications
provide us with comments or energy storage can perform,
and will prove (and demand!)
as wide as possible in order to technologies.
potentially adapt and gather a
consensus around it. An important factor therein
is the recent Market Design
“An “Energy Storage Facility” for Consultation. In it, energy storage
the electricity vector means a
facility used for the intake and LVƓQDOO\UHFRJQLVHGDVEHLQJDEOH
stocking of electricity in different to render the above mentioned
suitable energy forms. The release services and applications.
of this energy, at a controlled Additionally, EASE is thrilled
time can be in forms that include
electricity, gas, thermal energy WRƓQGWKDWWKLV0DUNHW'HVLJQ
Consultation includes a few
features EASE has been trying to
insert in the European legislation.

1 There are currently three different Energy Vectors used accross the EU: Electricity, Gas & Heat.
ES has applications within all vectors and often serves as a gateway between them.
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