Page 66 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 66
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


The European Energy Storage Technology No double payment of Grid are allowed to participate in all
Development Roadmap towards 2030 was Fees and Taxes for Energy mechanisms
published jointly by EASE and the European Storage
Energy Research Alliance in 2013 and Storage is both a consumer All generators should be in the
features the EASE High Level Market Design (charging) and a generator market
Recommendations (discharging). This leads to One of the “raisons d’être” of
storage operators often having Energy Storage is the integration
to pay double fees, levies and of intermittent RES into the
taxes for both the charging and grid. Alternatives to the current
discharging of energy, preventing subsidies for RES should be found
storage projects from being and these should be harmonised
economically viable and thus at EU level, incentivising
rolled out on the market. intermittent generation to follow
the market and to get support
It also prevents storage to be using market rules; meaning
operated in line with system that the energy must be sold on
needs. Additionally, the situation the market. Non-discriminatory
differs from Member State to access to technologies which can
Member State, which creates facilitate the economic growth of
further distortion for the allocation renewables (like energy storage)
of storage. Studies by regulators should be facilitated with market
(e.g. CREG, the Belgian regulator) based regulation, assuring that
exist that demonstrate how the
different fees and taxes applied WKHEHQHƓWLVGHOLYHUHGDWWKHEHVW
to ES devices strongly reduce the cost. O
income from ES business models
Disclaimer: This response was
with a connection to the Grid. HODERUDWHGE\($6(DQGUHŴHFWVD
consolidated view of its members
A Market-based approach is from an Energy Storage point of
preferable view. Individual EASE members
Such an approach allows long- may adopt different positions on
term price signals and short-term certain topics from their corporate
markets as well as scarcity prices. standpoint.

potential to properly remunerate

like energy storage, as long as
all energy storage technologies

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is the voice of the energy Contact details:
storage community, actively promoting the use of energy storage in Europe and Patrick Clerens
worldwide. Secretary General
EASE actively supports the deployment of energy storage as an indispensable
with respect to European energy and climate policy. EASE seeks to build a European
platform for sharing and disseminating energy storage-related information. EASE
energy system in Europe.
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