Page 10 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2016 publication
P. 10
10 Winter 2016 European Energy Innovation
How Intelligent Energy – Europe II
supported policy making and
implementation for the market uptake
of bioenergy in Europe
By Silvia Vivarelli, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, European Commission, Emilio
Font de Mora, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, European Commission, and Pat Howes, Ricardo
Energy & Environment
SYNOPSIS • Unfavourable policy frameworks at This article specifically focuses on how
The EU Intelligent Energy – Europe local, regional and national levels creating a favourable policy framework
II (IEE II) programme supported the is enabling bioenergy uptake at the
market uptake of bioenergy in Europe All of these barriers are interlinked. local and regional level.
with EUR 48.3 million of funds from
2007 to 2013. A new report prepared Since 2003 the Intelligent Energy INFLUENCING BIOENERGY POLICY
by Ricardo Energy & Environment for Europe (IEE) programme has funded IN EUROPE
the Executive Agency for Small and specific actions to address non- A common challenge of IEE bioenergy
Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) technological barriers in bioenergy projects has come from facing an
of the European Commission reveals to improve energy sustainability, unfavourable policy framework. Policy
that, by June 2016, the programme support policy development and makers at European, national, regional
triggered over 1.65 Mtoe of implementation across the EU, and local levels need to recognise the
bioenergy and saved 5.7 Mt of carbon prepare the ground for investments benefits of using biomass for energy
dioxide emissions, predominantly and improve the capacity and skills of production.
from heat production, and stimulated European market actors.
over EUR 0.9 billion investment in Bioenergy has a number of unique
bioenergy. Those are conservative Over the course of the second phase attributes that make it an important
figures, and if potential data is taken of the programme (IEE II, running component in Europe’s short and long
into account then the achieved impact from 2007 to 2013), more than 2.8 term renewable energy ambitions.
of the IEE II programme could be million stakeholders were informed Bioenergy can be produced in a
much higher. on bioenergy, more than 200,000 decentralised manner, makes use of
attended IEE II events and 14,600 were local resources and contributes to
A PROGRAMME FOR BIOENERGY engaged in development meetings local development. Biomass can also
UPTAKE and site visits. be stored and used when convenient
Bioenergy is playing an important and the energy produced fed directly
role in the achievement of Europe’s The programme contributed to the into the gas and electricity grids.
2020 renewable energy targets. development of 443 business plans Significantly, bioenergy also requires
However, despite significant advances and 1,536 feasibility studies, resulting low capital investment to convert from
in technological development in the concrete implementation of traditional fuel sources. This makes
and innovation, a number of non- 236 biomass supply chains. IEE II it an attractive option to deliver local
technological market barriers present bioenergy projects have been linked energy needs while potentially offering
challenges to the uptake of bioenergy directly with the development of over a rapid return on investment.
as a whole. These include: 400 plants across the EU representing
over 165 MW, most of them as heat or Policy makers have been involved in
• A lack of knowledge, skills and Combined Heat and Power plants. IEE II projects in different ways, such as
confidence in biomass feedstocks attending project events, participating
and available technologies The leverage effect of the IEE II directly in project activities such as
programme has been EUR 18.9 training, round tables, meetings and
• Insufficient mobilisation of biomass million investment and 0.035 Mtoe of study tours or being members of
and underdevelopment of effective bioenergy generated per EUR million project teams or part of project steering
biomass supply chains of EU funding. committees or working groups.