Page 54 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 54
54 Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation
City Digital Profile – for
integrated urban innovation
By Paul Copping, Chairman ETSI ISG “City Digital Profile” and Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Greenwich
Digital Greenwich a long history of industrial innovation lighting… and so on.
(www.digitalgreenwich. through its past history.
com) is involved in a city If you are a city leader, out shopping
test bed which operates on Digital Greenwich is active in for a smart city, what options appear
open standards and brings together international organisations, including in the energy section? You know your
around a dozen projects in mobility, ETSI. Recently I have helped establish citizens and businesses will certainly
energy, communications and social a new Industry Specification Group at want a standard resilient power grid
care. Many of these are supported ETSI called “City Digital Profile” (CDP) with smart meters - so you want some
by research funding from the H2020 which sets out to engage city leaders sort of network interface to these
programme and Innovate UK – and we in developing an overall roadmap for meters which should ideally be used
also undertake private consultancy for smart city development. Our scope for other services too - and maybe
cities and industrial partners through is the entire technology stack which you are aware that you will need a
our subsidiary DG Cities Ltd. supports a smart city. We were invited whole load of Electric Vehicle charging
to set this up because ETSI was being capacity on top. Maybe you also want
Greenwich, the home of Greenwich asked to provide design guidelines to add some renewables, a Strategic
Mean Time (GMT), is one of 32 London at a higher level than are typically Energy Management System, a district
Boroughs and has a population of addressed in the telecoms industry. heat pump and some adjustable street
275,000 people. Greenwich also has lighting that works intelligently. Since
ETSI CDP initiative differs from other you expect your “own use” city fleet
city networks and related projects. will have more EVs than anyone else
To explain it with a metaphor CDP is in town you would also be glad to use
to liken city leaders to householders them for resilience - and maybe make
who feel it is time for a new kitchen. money back - on a Vehicle To Grid
When you want to buy a kitchen (V2G) project.
there is a choice of showrooms and
modular products which can easily be As a city leader you also want the
configured because they use standard options of the Internet of Things
size cupboards and drawers, standard and improved wireless connectivity
appliance apertures, power supplies, therefore you are going to have a
plumbing and so on. lot more data available to run all
this. You are then thinking in terms
By comparison, when you want to of developing a city control centre,
buy supplies for a smart city, your supported by a city insights team.
option is pretty much a custom build You have heard that Digital Ledger
– the equivalent of selecting each Technology may help you to manage
component and sub system for your this information, keep it secure and
kitchen. It’s rather like deciding you reduce transaction costs so you have
want an icemaker in the fridge/freezer ticked that box too.
– and then being asked what size water
pipe you want and where you want it In Greenwich we are in the middle of a
to be connected to the mains. Actually, smart city build along these lines – and
you just saw the icemaker in a house we are very fortunate to be members
down the road that you liked and you of a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and
want that one but maybe you want Communities Lighthouse project
to change out a halogen hob, add a called Sharing Cities. We represent
waste disposal unit, choose different London and we are working together