Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 56

56  Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation


The Data Rush: towards an

energy efficient Europe

By Roberta D’Angiolella and Cosmina Marian from the Buildings Performance Institute Europe

Having the right set of                    the actual performance of buildings        THE DATA GAPS
                data when designing or     and their technologies once they are       Despite the importance of having
                renovating a building can  operational.                               solid and transparent information, the
                be the decisive variable                                              building sector still has to fill many data
for the success of the project. Easy-to-   For the decision makers in the building    gaps. For example, the many projects
access, transparent and trust-worthy       sector, who require high-quality data in   on energy efficient buildings financed
data is indeed useful for a range of       order to allocate resources to the most    every year by the European Union often
actors. For the building manager, to       cost-efficient option. Last but not least,  include demo cases used to prove
ensure that a building is operated in      different other stakeholder groups,        the effectiveness of new technology
the most energy efficient way possible,     such as financial institutions, require     solutions or designs. However, the
respecting the original design. For        information that can support informed      output data is not centrally collected.
the building designers, to understand      decisions (i.e. green loans).              Most of the time, the information is lost

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