Page 61 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 61
Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation 61
A key sector to be addressed – due outlined here is truly challenging. meter) has been developed and rolled
to its high energy consumption – is It will require a range of structural out. It is an innovative approach
the buildings sector, and we must changes in policy, in the construction where customised pre-fabrication
collectively agree on what to do with sector and in society at large and will of wall and roof elements with fully
our buildings and how to go about it. not be achieved without significant integrated heating and ventilation
For this, the setting of a vision for the innovation along the way. equipment, together with solar panels,
building stock for 2050 is essential as it can be installed on-site in just one day,
can act as a beacon for action, motivating To highlight a first, obvious, challenge: meaning that distruption to occupants
the creating of coherent strategies and How can we accelerate the energy is fully minimised.
giving confidence to market actors renovation rate of the building stock
who will be the main drivers of change in the EU whilst ensuring that all An advantage of the Dutch approach
in the intervening period. renovations capture the full energy is that much of the work is carried
savings potential tied up in our out in factory conditions, increasing
The vision that I have for 2050 is a buildings? In my view, this can be quality and making work in the
building stock that is firstly highly significantly assisted by the adoption construction sector more attractive to
energy efficient, providing quality, and implementation of ambitious younger generations. It is an approach
healthy environments for occupants energy renovation strategies in the that relies heavily on advances in
and that are resilient to the effects of Member States. The preparation information and communication
climate change. of such strategies is already a technologies and in automated
requirement under EU directives, but fabrication, thus making it easier to
Putting energy efficiency first will their implementation is not – a situation reduce waste whilst increasing the
lead to a dramatic reduction in the that may change in the coming months efficiency of resource use.
overall energy demand of the building as the EU provisions are under review
stock. This means that supplying the and the European Parliament has In conclusion, if we don’t set a 2050
remaining energy demand will be tabled proposals that significantly Vision of a highly energy efficient
easier and more cost-effective. In fact, strengthen the requirements on building stock and simultaneously start
it will be beneficial for the renewable renovation strategies. to roll out new innovative approaches
energy sector as a broader range to achieving that vision on the ground,
of renewable technologies can be A second challenge to be faced is we will not achieve our collective 2050
deployed to meet a reduced energy how to increase the market uptake climate goals and thus run the risk of
demand and the share of renewable and quality of energy renovations at degrading the quality of life in the EU
sources in the overall energy mix the same time. This challenge has for current and future generations. l
will increase more rapidly as energy been taken up in the market and one
demand goes down. of the most successful and impressive
examples can be found in the
But getting from where we are today Netherlands, where the energiesprong
to the achievement of the Vision 2050 approach (also known as nul op de