Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
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Contents Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation 3
8 The future role of gas 44 Getting to 1.5 degrees 8
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Lily Riahi, Global Lead District 20
Director for the Internal Energy Energy in Cities Initiative, 48
Market, DG ENER, European UN Environment 65
48 EMEC Clean energy from the
12 A Clean Planet for all? Energy ocean
poverty and decarbonising Neil Kermode, Managing Director,
Europe’s economy European Marine Energy Centre,
Pierre Jean Coulon, President & Orkney Islands, Scotland
Kristian Krieger, Policy Officer
Energy Section Transport, Energy, 54 Hydrogen and fuel cell
Infrastructure, Information technologies: Europe and
Society of the European Germany reach milestones
Economic and Social Committee Thorsten Herbert, NOW GmbH
16 Social innovation in energy, 58 Fuel cell and hydrogen technology
implications for Smart promises a greener world for all
Specialisation Bart Biebuyck, Executive
Javier Gómez Prieto, Scientific Director, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
Officer Smart Specialisation, Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)
Joint Research Centre,
European Commission 61 Decarbonisation of heat in
Europe: implications for natural
20 Indoor Environmental Quality: gas demand
towards healthier buildings for the Dr Anouk Honore, Senior
occupants Research Fellow, Natural Gas
Roberta D’Angiolella, Buildings Research Programme, Oxford
Performance Institute Europe, Institute for Energy Studies
65 Social sustainability is a must
28 Realising the clean energy Daniela Setton, Senior Research
revolution in the existing building Associate, Institute for
stock Advanced Sustainability Studies
Stijn Verbeke, Senior (IASS) Potsdam, Germany
Researcher at the EnergyVille/
VITO Research Institute 68 “Home grown” problems of the
on Sustainable Energy and German energy transition
Intelligent Energy Systems Dr. Angelika Niebler, MEP
32 What consequences for increasing 70 dena Study – Integrated energy
levies on electricity? transition
Sébastien Doligé, Senior Deutsche Energie-Agentur
Advisor Markets & Customers, GmbH (dena)
72 Energy efficient buildings
36 Driving the technology innovation technology in Germany
agenda through cooperation Dr.-ing. Benjamin Krick, Passive
Christiane Egger, House Institute Darmstadt,
OÖ Energiesparverband Germany
40 Heating just got cool
Federica Sabbati,
Secretary General,
European Heating Industry