Page 5 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
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Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation  5

The publishers of European Energy                                                                 FOREWORD
Innovation would like to offer their
sincere thanks to all individuals     Foreword
and organisations who have
contributed editorial images photos   “Greenhouse gas concentrations surge to new record”
and illustrations to the magazine.
Whilst every effort has been made     This recent headline must surely have caught the attention of the green
to ensure accuracy of the content,    energy community, while the story behind it can hardly make easy reading
the publishers of European Energy     for anyone. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are rising 100 times faster
Innovation accept no responsibility   than at the end of the last Ice Age, to values not seen on Earth for three
for errors or omissions.              million years, when sea levels were up to 20m higher than today. Twenty
                                      meters! No wonder climate change has been called “humanity’s greatest
The contents of European Energy       threat in thousands of years.”
Innovation are protected by
copyright.                            Fortunately, Lily Riahi, of the UN's District in Cities Initiative offers a route to
                                      the Paris targets by tackling emissions from heating and cooling. She does
All rights reserved.                  not mince her words, immediately making clear that decarbonising the
                                      sector requires a “revolution”. Fortunately, modern district energy solutions
European Energy Innovation is         can provide a major impetus, such as in Denmark, where they have reduced
published by:                         emissions by 20%. She goes on to explore national-scale projects in India
Prologue Media Ltd                    and Chile; and how public-private partnerships may accelerate investment.
1a Shire Lane
Chorleywood                           German MEP Angelika Niebler explores “home grown” problems arising
Hertfordshire WD3 5NQ                 from her country’s green energy transformation. A major one, she says, is
United Kingdom                        the lack of grid between the North (where much renewable wind power
                                      is generated), and the energy-hungry South. “The government is pushing
Tel: +44 1923 286238                  for an expansion of the grid” she continues, but “citizens do not want       them to be built near their homes and consumers protest against higher
                                      energy bills”. She contends that the internal energy market offers the best
To obtain additional                  means to accelerate renewable uptake, provide security of supply and stay
copies please email info@             economically competitive.
                                      We are delighted that Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Director for the
Editor                                Internal Energy Market at DG ENER, discusses the future role of gas. Since
Michael Edmund                        100% renewable electricity is neither technically feasible nor economically    acceptable, he outlines how a hybrid RE-Gas model might fulfil climate
                                      expectations, even though it too must depend upon decarbonisation of gas.
Business Development Director         CCS technology, renewable gas – biomethane and biogas; and ultimately
Philip Beausire                       hydrogen – will all feature, but we we need dialogue across the energy,    transport and heating sectors, and structured cooperation between them
                                      all and the energy-intensive industries and customers.
Head of Brussels office
Sophia Silvert                        Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint
Mob: +32 4737 30322                   Undertaking (FCH JU) suggests that Europe should continue to support    the technology because it will become central to the decarbonisation of
                                      energy and transport systems. He goes on to show that FCH technologies
Design & Production                   can also provide an important means of energy storage, and how polymer                    electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells can decarbonise even the petroleum
                                      industry, before signalling a warning about the ‘valley of death’ that awaits
Website design                        new technologies that are not properly supported.
                                      In his highly informative article, Javier Gómez Prieto of the Joint Research
Print                                 Centre explores how trends in social innovation are influencing Smart
The Magazine Printing Company,        Specialisation, the approach to identifying innovation potential of EU
Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom    regions. This helps ensure that input from citizens, often given insufficient
                                      weight, can be both generated and matched with business requirements.

                                      The internationally-respected naturalist Sir David Attenborough, speaking at
                                      the opening of the UN-sponsored climate talks in Katowice, Poland, made
                                      apocalyptic predictions about the effects of climate change. Hopefully, with
                                      these tools, we can help avert such a catastrophe.

                                      And there is much more for you to read inside…

                                      Michael Edmund
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