Page 14 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 14

14  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Energy Efficiency
and Innovation

By Patrizia Toia, MEP

                       Energy efficiency means                    the control and automation of
                                    investing in innovation.      lighting, heating ventilation, air
                                    By now, most people           conditioning, and security and home
                                    understand that the           appliances. Today, you can have
                        industrial sector is radically changing   lights that save energy by switching
                        the way we produce - and hence how        off automatically when nobody is in
                        we work and live: this is the fourth      a room; or you can programme your
                        industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0.   washing machine to wash during
                        But what may not be completely            the night, when energy prices are
                        apparent is that the energy sector is     lower. Many already know this as the
                        also going through a revolution, one      concept of the Smart Home.
                        that is based on digitalization.
                                                                  Elsewhere, hybrid cars, are becoming
                        Energy has been a key factor in           more and more common on our
                        all previous industrial revolutions:      roads. Their batteries can recover the
                        steam powered the mechanisation of        kinetic energy that would otherwise
                        manufacturing that triggered the first    be lost during braking, in order to
                        industrial revolution in 1784. A century  reuse it later through an electric
                        later, electrification drove the second   motor. A computer uses software
                        industrial revolution by allowing the     to manage these flows of energy,
                        development of the production line,       deciding between recovery and reuse.
                        based on the division of labour. The      This is energy 4.0: systems composed
                        third industrial revolution, around       of physical entities and controlled
                        1970, was based on the use of             or monitored by computer-based
                        electronics and IT to control energy      algorithms. And it is at the same time
                        through the microchip. Today, the         both the cause and the consequence
                        fourth industrial revolution is based     of a revolution in energy production.
                        on the digitalization of production,      Nuclear plants and fossil fuels are
                        products and consumption:                 being phased out, giving way to
                        innovations such as the Internet          intermittent renewables, making
                        of Things, 3D printing and modular        energy efficiency more and more
                        production are crossing and blurring      fundamental.
                        the borders between manufacturing
                        and services, between hardware and        According to the International
                        software and between producers and        Energy Agency (IEA), if EU countries
                        consumers.                                were to exploit fully the potential of
                                                                  energy efficiency, overall GDP would
                        How is this is going to affect the        grow by up to 1.1% per year. The
                        energy sector? Before looking at the      European Commission has estimated
                        big picture let's consider a couple of    additional GDP growth of up to
                        everyday examples that show how           4.45% by 2030 if 40% energy savings
                        the fourth energy revolution is already   could be achieved. Construction, for
                        happening. Home automation, or            example, is a strong engine of the
                        domotics, is the residential extension    European economy, contributing
                        of building automation and involves       nearly 10% to EU GDP and accounting

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