Page 18 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 18

18  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


The Solar Smart Specialisation

Promoting solar electricity exports from southern to central and northern European countries

By Dr. Díaz-Vázquez, A.R. (Joint Research Centre), Dr. Caldés-Gómez, N., (Ciemat)

In the light of the Paris Agreement            and cohesive Energy Union and       is aligned with the Energy Union R&D
     and the EU Climate and Energy             ultimately to the 2020 and 2030     and competitiveness priorities and
     framework, Europe must find               European strategy.                  promote the energy related Thematic
     ways to decarbonize its economy                                               Objective (TO) TO1, Research and
  in a cost-effective manner while         3. Since the best solar resource        innovation, TO4, Low carbon economy
  improving its energy security, social        potential is found in the many of   and TO7, sustainable transport,
  and economic development. It                 the least developed regions in      together with the commitment to the
  must endure its leadership in the            Europe, the deployment of such      Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET
  Renewable industry and moving                projects could create remarkable    plan) 10 key actions
  towards an integrated and well-              social and economic impacts
  functioning Energy Union. In this            in such regions, contributing to    THE FIRST OF A KIND (FOAK)
  context, generating and exporting            reduce regional disparities within  SOLAR GENERATION PLANT
  solar electricity from Southern to           Europe.                             Within this context, Solar Energy has
  Central/Northern European countries                                              been identified by various regions
  can contribute to achieve many of        SMART SPECIALISATION PLATFORM           as one of their key S3 priorities. As a
  these goals.                             ON ENERGY (S3PENERGY)                   result, a Smart Specialisation Solar
                                           The S3PEnergy is a joint initiative of  European partnership has been
  1. Regional cooperation can help         the Directorates-General for Regional   created as a way to support solar
      decarbonize the European power       and Urban Policy, Energy, and the       electricity generation and distribution
      system in a cost-effective manner    Joint Research Centre. The S3PEnergy    in Europe and maintain the European
      by generating renewable electricity  is planned to become an enabling        concentrated solar power industry
      where the resource is most           tool for regions to coordinate,         leadership worldwide.
      abundant and/or system costs are     rationalize and plan their respective
      lower.                               energy strategies, develop a shared     energy-partnerships-solar-energy.
                                           vision on knowledge-based energy
  2. Regional cooperation is a             policy development and set up a         A cross-border solar electricity
      step forward towards a more          strategic agenda of collaborative       project, to export electricity from
      integrated, well-functioning         work. The Smart Specialization (S3)     Southern to Central and Northern

         The project, a first of a kind generation
plant, could bring multiple benefits for Europe
as well as for the involved countries and regions,
addressing the main goals of the Energy
Union and CLIMA priorities

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