Page 72 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 72
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation


Poland to implement a new
RES support scheme soon

By Arkadiusz Sekscinski, Deputy President, Polish Wind Energy Association

Is the new, planned However, it has not been law no later than by 1Q 2015.
auction-based support submitted directly to the
scheme for energy from Parliament, as the Government THE NEED TO SETTLE
renewable sources capable at the very last moment decided ELECTRICITY IN THREE-YEAR
of supporting wind energy not to subject the modifications PERIODS
development to enable to the existing support scheme Provisions of the draft RES Act
Poland to achieve its 2020 (green certificates) and the new stipulating that the subject of
targets as laid down by the support scheme (RES auctions) the auctions will be the amount
EU regulations? to the notification procedure. of MWh produced per year, with
Such an opportunity is given by the right to perform settlements
Directive 2009/28/EC the new EU regulation applicable in three-year periods, in the
of 23 April 2009 on from 1 July 2014 – “General Block opinion of the Polish Wind Energy
the promotion of the Exemption Regulation for state Association discriminate the
use of energy from aid”. In accordance with the Polish wind energy sector. An investor
renewable sources imposes Government’s assumptions the intending to comply with the
on the EU Member States an auctions would become effective declared amount of MWh
obligation to achieve a certain on 1 January 2016. Investments supplied over a three-year period
share of energy from RES in completed before the deadline would have to substantially
gross final energy consumption. could remain in the green understate the productivity of a
For Poland the share has been certificates scheme or undergo wind project compared to the P50
specified at 15%. The target a transition to the new scheme. level, constituting a recognized
pertains to final energy, including The transitory period issues are standard. Therefore, the investor
electricity, heating, cooling and still subject to discussion and would be forced to offer a higher
transport fuels. will be finally settled in the Polish price during an auction to achieve
Parliament. the assumed revenue level.
The renewable industry in Poland
claims the Government’s actions The wind energy industry sees Auctions for the amount of
in the area of implementation opportunities in the new draft, energy require introduction of a
of the Directive are insufficient. however it stresses that several declared production adjustment
Despite many efforts and crucial elements still need to be scheme taking into account
subsequent versions of the improved. The first reading of methodologically legitimate
Renewable Energy Sources Act the draft was made on 22 July in deviations from the estimated
no final solutions have been Parliament. The substantial work productivity (a scheme applied
implemented to date. Moreover, on the new law should be in the in the Netherlands assumes 20%
on 27 January 2011 the European energy parliamentary committee deviation during a year). It seems
Commission launched a formal starting on 27 August when MPs that this remark filed by the Polish
procedure concerning non- will be back from vacation. Wind Energy Association might
transposition of Directive 28. On be accepted by the legislator.
21 March 2013 the EC filed a Marshall of Seym (lower chamber
complaint against Poland with the of Parliament) expects the second INTRODUCTION OF A DIVISION
EU Court of Justice1. reading of the law to be made by INTO PROJECTS ABOVE AND
the end of September. MPs and BELOW 4000 MWH
The latest draft RES Act has NGOs expect much work but they Limiting auction volumes for
been accepted by the Council all want to finish with a very good technologies operating ≤4000
of Ministers on 8 April 2014. outcome and implement the new h/year clearly contradicts the

1. Cf. the EC’s press release dated 21 March 2013, available at
2. “European Commission guidance for the design of renewable energy support schemes” COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT
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