Page 71 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
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Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 71


SOWA) – Energy-efficient street scheme has been operating since • reduction of transmission
lighting systems. 1 January 2013. The Act requires losses or distribution losses of
energy sales companies which electricity, heat or natural gas.
Energy efficiency measures in sell energy to final customers
industry: to obtain energy efficiency Under the scheme, companies
• Support to entrepreneurs certificates, hereinafter referred to subject to the energy efficiency
as „white certificates”, and submit obligation have to obtain
focused on low-emission those certificates for redemption certificates with a specific value
economy - energy efficiency to the President of the Energy and present those certificates for
increase; Regulatory Office (ERO). redemption each year starting
• Access to financial instruments from 2013. The certificates’ value
dedicated to SMEs (PolSEFF); Pursuant to Article 25 of the Act, and the method of its calculation
• Operational Programme the energy efficiency certificates is set out in the Regulation of
Infrastructure and Environment are a source of transferable the Minister of Economy of 4
(Measure 9.1) - Highly efficient property rights which constitute September 2012 on the method
power generation; a commodity tradeable on of calculating primary energy
• Operational Programme commodity exchanges, within amount corresponding to the
Infrastructure and Environment the meaning of the Act of 26 value of an energy performance
(Measure 9.2) - Efficient energy October 2000 on commodity certificate, and on the unit value
distribution. exchanges (Journal of Laws of of the substitution fee (Dz. U.
2014, item 197), and are thus [Journal of Laws], item 1039).
Energy efficiency measures in tradeable on the Power Exchange.
transport: Energy efficiency certificates may The bottom-up calculations
• Traffic management systems, only be obtained for projects of the listed above measures
characterised by the highest indicate much less energy savings
freight transport optimisation economic efficiency. The projects than presented by top-down
systems and fleet replacement are selected by way of tenders methodology, which illustrates the
programmes for urban organised by the President of effects of governmental activities.
transport companies; ERO. The successful winners are First of all the activities towards
• Green Investment Scheme those entities which declare the energy efficiency improvement
(Part 7 - Gazela) - Low-emission largest energy savings compared are being continuously
urban transport. to the value of energy efficiency undertaken by industry, obliged
certificates obtained. by market forces to increase
The measures listed above are competitiveness. Other sectors
described in MURE database The first tender to select energy and society themselves are also
(, efficiency improvement projects being aware of benefits coming
in framework of ODYSEE-MURE for which energy efficiency out from energy efficiency
project Intelligent Energy for certificates might be obtained measures. l
Europe programme activities. was announced by the President
Especially interesting is 31 December 2012, and covered 1. Poland Energy Policy until
Polish “white certificate the following three categories:
system”, being introduced 2030
2012. • increase in energy savings by 2. Central Statistical Office and
final customers,
OBLIGATION SCHEME IN THE • increase in energy savings by Efficiency in 2002-2012”,
FORM OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY devices operated to meet own „Energy Efficiency in 2001-
CERTIFICATES needs, which devices were 2011”, Warsaw, 2013, 2012.
The energy efficiency obligation understood as a set of auxiliary
scheme was introduced under facilities or installations
the Energy Efficiency Act of 15 used for electricity or heat
April 2011 (Journals of Laws: generation process,
No. 94, item 551; and of 2012,
items 951, 1203 and 1397). The
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